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i love Big Brother, have watched every single series even made sure my holidays didnt clash with the finale night Eeker in the early days...
but i am really really not that into it this year. Frowner
on paper with the mix of people it should be a really good one but im just not excited by it anymore...
i watch the highlight show and that seems to be enough for me, and i will no doubt have the e4 feed on whilst im at work on nightshift but i dont have the urge to be as manic as i have in previous years Frowner
im sad coz i look forward to it and just wish TPTB would stop treating us fans to a shoddy replica of what once was a grand show ..
rant over

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IMO this is the worst BB ever, not only with the selection of HMs but the way BB are not even punishing disgusting habits like spitting, putting bare backsides on food preparation surfaces and sticking bananas up backsides - its just condoning the worst behaviours.

And of course, no live feed is the beginning of the end. Its not Big Brother without that.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
I think Ch4 should be ashamed at the way

they've destroyed what was a great
concept. Manipulation, biased editing, blatant
rule breaking going unpunished (you don't need
me to go on Big Grin) has all contributed to the demise.

Of course this year pulling the live feed is
(I hope) the nail in their coffin and that they
sell it off to a company who will take it back
to its roots.

Just think ~ the 10th Anniversary show should
be the best ever. Instead we get this damp

The concept isn't dead ~ just that Ch4's
mismanagement has flogged the life out of it. Frowner
I don't think it has had it's day....bring back the LF...front out ofcom complainers by advertising as adult TV...up the marketing...bring back weekly, 2/3 day long tasks....basically invest some time in organising the show and bring back the hype then BB could be back better than ever.

To me it looks like they (C4/Endemol) have given up on BB not BB giving up on them. Disappointed

As it stands now BB is dead in the water unless they pull their fingers out. IMO they could have a cracking BB this series but it seems that they just can't be @rsed.
WE have the control freaks at channel 4 to thank for killing this show,
the dropping of 24/7 live feed is the final nail in the coffin for this show as far as the real BB fans are concerned,
but sadly MOST BB viewers didnt watch the live feed anyway, so to them its no diferent from any other year,
channel 4 have always influenced the way people see the HMs and the way they vote the only difference this year is that they have silenced the minority who USED to get a truer idea of what happens,
WE allways were a minority, so c4 is NOT overly concered with what WE think,
I for one hope that this is the LAST BB on channel 4, and that another channel take it on for next year, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Gorgeous Mimi:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I for one hope that this is the LAST BB on channel 4, and that another channel take it on for next year, Nod

That could work ....although I am peeved at channel 5 loosing out to sky 1 for HOUSE. Mad

Confused sorry hehe BB is the ONLY "reality" show I watch and I hate my self for my "weakness" but they got me "hooked" on it early on... swines Big Grin
old hippy guy
I think it has run it's course, but I think the producers just don't care and are going through the motions.

The mix of HM's is very poor. The tasks (what I have seen) are very poor. Where are the fresh ideas? Even the "punishments" are pretty pathetic. What happened to being exempt from nominating if you discussed nominations? Now all you get is having to wear a stupid hat.

Also, take a look at this place? Hardly anyone on here, because we don't have much to discuss in relation to BB. We are just going over the same thing, because without watching LF it is pointless.
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Am I the only person who thinks they've picked a really good mix of people this year?

I think it’s an OK mix.
I’m not that keen on any of them (though I quite like Rodrigo), but that’s usual for me – the folk who want to appear on BB are usually self obsessed wannabe types, and those traits don’t make for a likeable character. The fun for me is the arguing, and evictions Big Grin
sadly i think the show has been run into the ground over the last 12 months the red button was taken off freeview about 3 years ago then was taken off for the last celeb bb and now for bb10 added to the fact that they seem to have run out of ideas for small tasks let alone the weekly ones turns people off when you add that to the way bb has treated the fans over the years ! with things like the golden ticket ! which was shown to be fixed , the nikki in out in out shake her by the throat rubbish, bb changing voting rules and saying that people voted out could reenter and then win the prise and now the fact that when you vote non of it goes to charity but into bb own pocket has left a lot of fans with a nasty taste in there mouths !
I think it has had it's day a good few years ago
The show is a waste of time without 24/7 Internet Live Feed Devil

The Choice of HM's are just getting worse as each year goes by

they are extremely unlikable and irritating this year
Each year they get more and more repulsively camera hogging show off dreary talentless egomaniac Mad borefests
Sick ~wanting their ZLister lifestyle and Mag dealÂĢÂĢÂĢÂĢÂĢ~ any way they can RBauble RBauble Sick
Originally posted by captain marbles:
It might have run its course on C4 but there are other broadcasters.

This, basically.

I really think BB is something that you could keep going for a long long time as there are always different types of people and situations that could be played with. I'm pissed at the lack of live feed as I think that's the reason people are finally losing interest and saying it's no good anymore.

Time for another broadcaster though, please.

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