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An ongoing problem I always have is the same as El Loro's first post, the editing one. I'm never sure how long to wait before pulling out and going through the steps that end up with Refreshing the page to see if the post's been edited. If it can't be fixed I suppose I'll have to improve my typing skills so I never make any typo's lol  *checks post to make sure I don't have to edit it*

Yellow Rose
Low:  Don't worry--these sharks don't bite.
I can  tell you that much Lowi! Take a look at this link!  

Xochi in Sharkland!

Having said that, I tend to agree... the support community name QuestionShark does evoke thoughts of being gobbled up! In fact, it seems to me they are more like friendly terriers, wrestling with a problem with you and for you!  

edits for 2 sets of typos!
Last edited by Xochi
Reference: Marge
Is this thread for members who are having problems? or members who have no problems who keep saying they are not having problems
I was under the impression it is to try and help Lori & her techy peeps nail down what is causing the problems.  Those (like me) posting that they aren't having problems, but listing their Operating System & Browser are doing it to help eliminate a possible common trait.

I haven't said that right well marge... its late & I am off to bed
Awww! Marg! I know no-one would be upset by what you asked!

I think that's what Ditty was trying to say... Lori wants to know what operating systems and browsers we are using to pinpoint which of either are causing problems. So if you say which OS you are using and which browser you are using, and if you have no problems, then that eliminates some avenues for them. So I know they'll find that more helpful... but equally, if you have problems and tell them the same information, then they can start to target problem areas.
Lori, you know about some of my problems as I've posted elsewhere, just to add that the thing with the spinning cogs when I try to post happens too, about every other time, the page kind of goes hazy and it looks like it's not posting but it has. It doesn't resolve itself, so I have to close and restart in a new window.  This just happened when the cogs were going overwriting and I've got overwriting in the left hand column, forum menu too. Also q often I am not  able to access the emoticons. Having said that, things have been ever so slightly better the last 2 days. Doesn't matter which browser I use, have tried several. I'm on Windows vista...Bet you wish you'd never asked!.....Oh and did I tell you that my strike-out  doesn't work?  Tbh , I've got so many problems that I forget which I've mentioned, but I'm battling on
Reference: Marge
Hi Ditty  I know you are always one of the first to help others, it may be down to which browsers we use, some members use the same browsers and some dont have trouble and some do,  it is like a lottery on here some days are good and some are bad, I hope I have not upset anyone by my post if I have I am so sorry  Goodnight
You didn't upset me Marge...  and I do understand how frustrating it must be to have problems posting, its as important to those of us not having probs as it is to those that are having probs that these bugs are fixed... cos we'd miss you if you gave up and didn't post xxxx
the reason I think its Chrome (& yes... I could with Chrome before the upgrade), is cos in the Ship bar we discovered (ok.. James discovered... he was kind of on a strikeout mission for a while) that we could strike out if we used Firefox or IE.. but not in Chrome. 

Chrome is my 'comfort' browser now... its set up just the way I like it... so for me its just not worth the hassle of booting up Firefox just to strikeout.

Weird though innit!
Since the update a lot of the posting problems that I had have disappeared, but new ones have occurred in the last few days.
1) the stretched page experienced by Ros
2) the disappearing cursor....but click outside the box and it tends to come back
3) the reply/edit not loading properly and the disappearing Graemlins...accompanied by the cogs.
4) very slow loading when transerring between LC sites.

Bet you wish you hadn't asked Lori

I'm on Windows XP and FF 3.6.2 on the PC
There are more and different problems on the laptop where I use Google Chrome and Windows Vista, but the PC is my main computer....and I do like it here

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