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Lori posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Lori posted:

Good! And I just made my donation to the Alzheimer's Association, in honor of my grandpa, who died of Alzheimer's-related causes about 30 years ago.


Well done Lori, good choice and one I donate to and support. My Dad died of the same thing a few years ago.



I'm sorry, EC. That can't have been easy. 

I lost my dad to Lewy Body Dementia 2 years ago this month.

Sorry Lori I missed this post.

No, it was a slow decline (took a few years) and I think one of the worst ways to go, but it sounds like you know exactly what it's like. Awful disease isn't it. It was nice that Cosi remembered and PM'd me a year after it happened.


Hope things are better for you now. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Yep, I DO know. It was two years ago today, in fact. I still miss him something fierce, but in his brief moments of clarity, he felt trapped in his uncooperative body and mind. It was no life for a man that deserved so much better. 

Things are so much easier for my mom, too, who was his principal caretaker...It's hard to watch your parents go through that, isn't it?


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