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As the BBC News has just shown; on an old episode of "Have I Got News For You" hosted by Johnson, he admitted to once taking cocaine. However he's since said those "claims" are false... 


This is of course the big problem with Boris: in the grand scheme of things, one alleged, casual, snort in his youth is arguably pretty small beer compared to the whole list of dubious decisions and activities we know he's done. IMO, his biggest fault - as shown here - is his rather cavalier relationship with facts and the truth, but so far he's proven to be pretty "Teflon" on that score with the GBP. 

Eugene's Lair

On a more general point; I haven't been following this story very closely, but I can't help wondering if Gove's admission had been forced out of him by some strategic leaking. 

Certainly, it doesn't feel in the same league as, say, Rory Stewart's brief toke on an opium pipe in the wilds of Iran. (Indeed, given how much he's written about his travels and adventures in the Middle East, I have wondered if that story was already in the public domain.   )

Eugene's Lair
Dame_Ann_Average posted:


The way they have run the country for the last 9 years it makes me think they are still on it, if they are not they bloody well should be  It's ok to take class A illegal drugs, but don't you dare drink a very low alcohol content M&S Mojito on a train 


Remember this famous occasion  I


twickers posted:

Rory's the standout candidate     

We've discussed him before, twickers, and I still agree with you. 


The problem for Stewart, though, is that a lot of grass-roots Tories still see him as a Remainer, and therefore unelectable. I saw a very interesting BBC interview yesterday with several local Tory party chair(wo)men, and most of them effectively said that. Also, C4 News ran a piece today about claims that the Tory Party's recently been inundated with applications from ex-UKIP members to swing the leadership vote behind a hard-line Brexiteer... 


That said: I was discussing this earlier today, and I still hold that if Stewart (and/or one or two other candidates) makes it past the first round (and Stewart's fairly confident he will), then the TV debate shortly afterwards will be very interesting, and IMO a potential game-changer. Expect a few very articulate, reasoned, speeches and some home truths, while Boris will either bluster throughout or (more likely) not bother to turn up at all... 

Eugene's Lair
twickers posted:
Baz posted:

Having now listened to him ....I’m going with Javid 

Javid offered Gove Chancellor of the Exchequer weeks/months ago to get him to withdraw. Bit snidey is his naked ambition    

They’ve all got naked ambition Twickers ....and not just the leadership contenders .....every darn person in parliament imo......that’s why we are in such a mess’s just some pretend to not have  

Last edited by Baz
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I just saw Esther McVey pulling a Diane Abbott on LBC.


She's had a few moment like that recently. 


However what made me lose the little respect for her that I had left was when she tweeted that she was "ashamed" at the BBC for removing free TV licences for the over-75s - ignoring the fact that the entire situation was set up by her Government cutting BBC funding! 


Fun Fact: MPs can claim their TV licence back on expenses. (Although to be fair, not all do...)

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I just saw Esther McVey pulling a Diane Abbott on LBC.


She's had a few moment like that recently. 


However what made me lose the little respect for her that I had left was when she tweeted that she was "ashamed" at the BBC for removing free TV licences for the over-75s - ignoring the fact that the entire situation was set up by her Government cutting BBC funding! 


Fun Fact: MPs can claim their TV licence back on expenses. (Although to be fair, not all do...)

I've never had any respect for her, she's a Tory 

twickers posted:

What nearly all of them misrepresent is that the EU are not negotiating.


This deal or no deal    

I was saying on another site earlier in the week that I was surprised (though almost certainly shouldn't be) at how little most of the Tory leadership candidates appear to have learned over the last 3 years.


Most (there are one or two notable exceptions  ) are still sticking doggedly to the "easiest deal in history/they need us more than we need them/we hold all the cards" dogma, despite it being proven to be as accurate and meaningful as the "Brexit means Brexit" mantra...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

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