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Good morning everyone it's cloudy this morning and still humid.  We are promised fresher weather today I do hope so and we still haven't had any appreciable rain. I long for a good downpour. 


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here and quite humid. Some rain overnight and could be some showers today,


I see the Film 4 is showing the Michael Powell film The Spy in Black again. That film starred Conrad Veidt and Valerie Hobson. A year after Powell made that film he made another film with those two called Contraband which was a lighter film, a bit Hitchcockian. I wonder if that will ever get shown. It's not available on DVD. It was released in the States (sometimes as Blackout) but with several minutes cut out - that version is on Youtube  - a DVD is available from the States but I think it likely that that's the shorter version.


I did watch that Scott documentary shown on Talking Pictures but it's not the BFI restored version and was not tinted - so the Radio Times review was fundamentally incorrect. The review was about a 1923 version by Ponting called "The Great White Silence". The BFI have a DVD of that version which also has another documentary "The Epic of Everest" (Mallory/Irvine's fateful 1924 expedition). The DVD has extras which include the version shown by Talking Pictures.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone 

Weather is dry and cloudy.

I have to wait in for a Humira delivery and, a telephone consultation with my specialist nurse re the new meds. Afterwards, I need to go grocery shopping.

Have a good day, all.


Final against New Zealand on Sunday at Lords with a 10.30 am start. Sky have the television rights but have said that if England got to the final they would make it available on Freeview. So that would be Pick (the most likely), Challenge or Sky News.

El Loro

That cricket final is to be shown on Channel 4 after they came to a deal with Sky. Channel 4 had already got the rights to show highlights in the evening, The highlights of the England/Australia match tonight will be quite something for anyone who has the slightest interest in cricket as it's one of the best matches in years.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, I hope your consultation with the nurse is helpful

twickers posted:

So do I Yogi    


Hope all are ship shape   

Thank you both. 

I’ve to stop the new meds because they aren’t working. I’ve to increase the steroids until they can have a MDT meeting to decide on new meds for me.

El Loro posted:

Can England beat Australia to get to the cricket World Cup final?

They need to get a further 28 runs in the remaining 22 overs and have 8 wickets in hand

yaayyy they dd it in the final

Rocking Ros Rose
El Loro posted:

That cricket final is to be shown on Channel 4 after they came to a deal with Sky. Channel 4 had already got the rights to show highlights in the evening, The highlights of the England/Australia match tonight will be quite something for anyone who has the slightest interest in cricket as it's one of the best matches in years.

fantastic EL

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone it's a bit fresher this morning.  It seems there's a real mixture of different temperatures going by what everyone says in here. 


I can see that the medical team is doing the best they can for you Yogi, I just hope they get it sorted out soon. 


Enjoy your day everyone


I realise that most if not all of you won't be interested in the cricket final on Sunday but although Channel 4 will show the beginning and the end, because of the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, whilst that's on, the cricket coverage will move to More 4. Lewis Hamilton has already commented that he's not happy that the Grand Prix, the cricket final and the Wimbledon's Mens final are all on at the same time.

El Loro

Good morning everyone it's a little cloudy this morning and the night was cooler which was much appreciated. 


Lewis Hamilton isn't pleased EL? What about those of us who aren't keen on sport? Thankfully I've had Cranford to watch again and am currently watching Pride and Prejudice again. I think I like Cranford more each time I watch it. 


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Cloudy but quite bright here.


Squiggle, there will be millions of people who, like you, have little interest in sport. The stock answer that the BBC etc would give is that it's only once a year - that's waht they've said in the past. So that's why, once Wimbledon is over, as from Monday BBC 2 has got the netball World Cup each afternoon.....


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Sadly the BBC cram as much sport as they can into their 2 main channels and it goes on for most of the year.  I have thought for many years that they need at least 1 and preferably 2 dedicated sports channels, leaving BBC1 and BBC2 for a more varied selection of programmes to suit all tastes.


Squiggle, the likelyhood of the government (of any main party) permitting the BBC to have a dedicated sports channel is remote. The charter dictates the nature of the channels and BBC 1 and 2 are required to show a mix of programmes.


There may be big changes to the BBC from the end of this year as the charter requires them to cancel the guarantee that children’s, sport and non-news related current affairs programmes will be able to be made inhouse - ie sportting programmes will have to be put out for tender for external producers to be able to make them. That could have huge impact as to what the BBC is able to show in terms of sport, and also childrens programmes. I'm not sure what is meant by non-news related current affairs.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

The Erbarme dich, mein Gott aria from J S Bach's St Matthew Passion sung by Julia Hamari (the lead violinist Otto Büchner& conductor Karl Richter):

Goes beyond mere greatness to a level which is transcendent.

The complete performance is:

The aria is part 39 at 1.45.05 and has subtitles in English.

El Loro

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