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Good morning everyone it's a sunny morning. That sounds like quite a stressful day with a successful outcome EL. My goodness the scammers are getting more crafty all the time. 


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Hazy sunshine here,


Thanks Yogi and Squiggle, that was quite a stressful day but hopefully is on track to be sorted out.


Summer, well done on completing your 1,000 mile trek through the Himalyan foothills


A straightfoward client meeting this morning,


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Beechan House starting on ITV on Sunday at 9pm could be of interest. 6 part drama with the second episode on Monday. Period drama, set in 18th-century Delhi, years before the territory fell under British colonial rule. John Beecham (Tom Bateman), a former soldier for the East India Company, buys a mansion in the area in the hope of starting a new life. His shadowy past is soon the talk of the household, particularly since he arrives accompanied by a mysterious child of unknown parentage.


It's ITV's response to BBC's Poldark (which I think starts on the following Sunday. Also aimed at fans of Downton Abbey though it's said to be closer to Downstairs and Upstairs as the servants and Indians are as key to the drama as the British people.


Behind it as producer, co-writer and director is Gurinder Chadha. She made Bend it Like Beckham and Bride & Prejudice. The series has also got Lesley Nicol (she was Mrs Patmore in Downton Abbey) and Dakota Blue Richards (WPC Shirley Trewlove who left Endeavour).

El Loro

Good afternoon sunny and pleasant here today I’m weary but much better than yesterday lol 

Himalayan foothills indeed, El not quite, but it was a very hilly 23 miles. 

That new drama looks good, it might fill the Victoria void 


how are we all today? 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Similar weather to Squiggle's - cloudy and dull with the threat of rain.


I expect to be taking my computer in to my local computer shop in the next day or so for the small solid state C drive to be replaced with a larger one and at the same time for Windows 7 to be replaced by Windows 10. Once I get it back I'll need to get to grips with Windows 10. So I will be unable to get on here for a period of time.


I hope everuone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

Dry and bright atm.

El, I hope you aren’t missing for too long when your computer is at the computer shop.

I saw a clip of the new drama, Beecham House, and thought it looked promising.

Summer, I hope you have recovered from your long walk. Very well done on completing it.

Heading off to my parents again. Hubby and middle son have finished the painting; eldest son has finished wallpapering and will finish off some tiling in the kitchen today; youngest son has been on holiday and missed all the hard work; and I’m going to make sure everything is ready before the carpets get fitted on Friday.

Next week, we’ll be helping them pack up, before the move a week on Friday.

Things should get back to normal for me after that.🤞🏻😄

Have a good day, all.


Good morning raining here today! I’m very glad I made myself cut the grass last night  


Yogi, if we didn’t know better, we could easily think your family were taking part on 60 minute makeover!! I’m impressed with your teamwork, enthusiasm, skill sets and organisation. I hope you all have a celebratory feast when all of this is finished, Lord knows you deserve it  


El I hope all goes smoothly with your computer works, we’ll look forward to seeing you back here soon  


squiggle & moonie, how are you?  


I'm off to get Bramble’s annual booster vaccination, and then we should be free to have a relaxing afternoon & evening! 

~Sparkling Summer~

Yogi, I hope your family's work continues to go well and that your parents settle in


Summer, I hope Bramble's vaccination is quick and that the rest of your day is relaxing


My computer shop ordered the drive on Monday and I'll be taking my computer in once they let me know they've got the drive. Could be today or tomorrow. One the computer is back I may find that I have to reinstall various programmes of course.

El Loro

And I'm back with the Super Hub 3 installed. The main diffference from the old one is that there's just the white bar at the bottom of the front to show all is OK whereas the old one had several green lights when all was OK. Other lights would come on if it wasn't OK. I'm using wired rather than wireless so no wireless light.


I've also changed the passwords which is always advisable.

El Loro
~Sweet Pea~ posted:

Good morning raining here today! I’m very glad I made myself cut the grass last night  


Yogi, if we didn’t know better, we could easily think your family were taking part on 60 minute makeover!! I’m impressed with your teamwork, enthusiasm, skill sets and organisation. I hope you all have a celebratory feast when all of this is finished, Lord knows you deserve it  


El I hope all goes smoothly with your computer works, we’ll look forward to seeing you back here soon  


squiggle & moonie, how are you?  


I'm off to get Bramble’s annual booster vaccination, and then we should be free to have a relaxing afternoon & evening! 

lol It feels more like a 60 day makeover 

It will be worth it in the end.


I’m sure Bramble will get a tip-top health report 

El Loro posted:

And I'm back with the Super Hub 3 installed. The main diffference from the old one is that there's just the white bar at the bottom of the front to show all is OK whereas the old one had several green lights when all was OK. Other lights would come on if it wasn't OK. I'm using wired rather than wireless so no wireless light.


I've also changed the passwords which is always advisable.

 That’s good and hopefully you’ll hear back from the computer shop tomorrow 

El Loro posted:

A bridge made of grass. BBC article with photos, one or two near the end might be too much for anyone with an extreme fear of heights:

I don’t think I’d trust a grass bridge - no matter how many strands were used 


All good news from the vets, they’re really happy with Bramble’s health check she wasn’t that impressed with them poking, prodding and jabbing her.. but she did enjoy the treats after we went out to lunch with my mum and a friend, then Bramble & I had a snuggly afternoon on the sofa, mostly watching The Crown 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Pea~ posted:

All good news from the vets, they’re really happy with Bramble’s health check she wasn’t that impressed with them poking, prodding and jabbing her.. but she did enjoy the treats after we went out to lunch with my mum and a friend, then Bramble & I had a snuggly afternoon on the sofa, mostly watching The Crown 

 That’s very good news about Bramble and sounds like you had a lovely day.


Goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer and Ros 


Special hug for Moonie, hope you’re back with us soon


Good morning everyone it's a cloudy morning, warmer than it has been. Well done to the Yogi family you've got a lot done this week. It must be such a weight off your parents' minds.


Nice to know all is well with Bramble. I can thoroughly recommend the new Milly 'The Magnificent Mrs Mayhew'  I'm saving the last few pages to finish off tonight. 


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

Good morning everyone


Quite sunny here, showers are expected during today.


Summer, I'm glad all is well with Bramble Even if you did cross that bridge I doubt if Bramble would want to, probably eat it instead


The other day I saw a few seconds of Eggheads. The question was "who wrote The Shell Seekers?". Thanks to Squiggle, I knew the answer


Too early to have heard anything from my computer shop.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Haven't heard from my computer shop yet, could be that they haven't received the drive yet or that it has but they'll contact me when they have the time to do the work.


I have two client meetings tomorrow, the morning one is a return visit to the client in the middle of nowhere, then immediately afer lunch another one. Both meetings should be straightforward. It means that I'll be out quite a lot of tomorrow. So not much time to take the computer in to the shop if they were to ring tomorrow.


I've made sure that I've already done any client work which had to be filed with HMRC & Companies House by the end of June.


Got a phone call from someone this morning where I used to do his tax return (last one was for 2015/16). I did do a very brief review in January 2018 of his 2016/17 income as he wanted me to. Standard rate taxpayer, some interest income and some dividend income both within the zero rate bands. So only took a few minutes to tell him that there was nothing to do as far as HMRC was concerned. Today's call was about various HMRC code notices, tax calculations etc which he didn't understand as the dividend figures shown were different between the notices etc and didn't tally with what he thought was his dividend income. The figures he mentioned were under the current zero rate band (£2,000) and he was rather confusing saying that one of the figures was gross and the other net (but dividends are paid with no tax credit now anyway. Doesn't sound something which I can give a quick answer and could be quite messy. Can't check anything online with HMRC now as they aren't showing me as his agent anymore (I cancelled it a couple of years ago with his permission), So I said it would have to wait until I've got more time or he should ask another accountant. If I did do the work I would have to register him again with HMRC as agent for me to be able to talk to them.

El Loro

Still nothing from the computer shop.


I was glancing at the front news page on the BBC website and noticed a rather unusual photo. Royal Ascot Ladies' Day isn't something I have any interest in at all. Here's the link to the actual article which is just a series of hats.


Some of the hats are odd but there's one which is just boggling
No, it's not the one with gears or the following one. You'll know which one I mean when you see it.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Evening all 

I’ve had a busy day but, in my own house 

Squiggle, my mum and dad do appreciate everything we do for them. I tell them, this is payback for everything they’ve done for us over the years.

El, I hope you hear from the computer shop tomorrow 

I hope everyone has had a good day 


Good morning everyone it's a bit of a mixture this morning but looks to be a sunny day. Some very odd hats there, I don't think I like any of them although the teapot one is very clever. I do like the Union Jack dress though. 


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Sunny here and not expected to rain, looks as if today and tomorrow could be the best weather of the month to date.


Squiggle, it was the teapot one which I had noticed


I'm out quite a lot of today seeing a couple of clients so my computer work may well have to wait until next week.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone 

Just popping in to say ‘hello’ 

I hope you are all keeping well 

We have sunshine here and no rain expected 


El, I have a man who looks after my laptops. I have known him for 10 years or more now. I never had to wait more than four days for repairs/replacements  

I hope you are sorted soon 


Have a great day everyone 


Hi everyone 

Weather is dry and bright atm. We did have some rain overnight.

Moonie!! So good to have you back - you have been missed 

Going to an event at PB’s school today and then we are picking up BB from nursery and bringing both children to ours until DiL gets in from work.

Have a good day, all.

Yogi19 posted:

Hi everyone 

Weather is dry and bright atm. We did have some rain overnight.

Moonie!! So good to have you back - you have been missed 

Going to an event at PB’s school today and then we are picking up BB from nursery and bringing both children to ours until DiL gets in from work.

Have a good day, all.

Hi Yogi 🤗, fankoo so much  

Awww, I hope you and the little ones have a lovely time together 


Yesterday I managed to get a lovely video of our family marching like little  soldiers from a huge feed at the side of the little pool back onto it 😮😁

It’s to big to show in here but well you know the ‘but’ 😉😁

Have a great day everyone 


Brief visit between client visits. Haven'r heard from the computer shop so it looks as if it won't happen until next week.
Nice to hear from you Moonie and your swans


Just now as I was finishing lunch I was channel hopping and saw a couple of minutes of some film called Sharknado 5 (presumably the 5th in a series). I guess it's some sort of comedy/horror/disaster film. Sharks rampaging in the form of tornados (hence the title). They were attacking Buckingham Palace.  One man got on the back of a shark which flew up in the air, crashed through an upper floor windows, through a room and then crashed down the stairs to the ground floor. The man got off the shark, retrieved a crown from the mouth of the shark, and then a door opened to show someone as "The Queen" (zero resemblance to the real Queen) who looked more liked a heavily botoxed face, and the man gives her the crown saying "Your Majesty".

Possibly the more preposterous 2 minutes of film I've ever seen


Back out now.

El Loro

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