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Reply to "Why is this forum losing members?"

Originally Posted by Cupcake:

One of the reasons also is that some days, the forum is very slow moving and you hardly get any response or reaction sometimes.  Some days I see like 3 or 4 posts submitted in about half an hour.  I keep opening tabs and going to different sites, and then I come back, because I get bored waiting for the threads to move on.    I am actually seriously thinking of taking a break from here tbh.  And then coming back in a couple of months, to see if there are new members...

I think others may have done that too Cupcake but the problem is that people who take a break often don't come back. I'd miss you if you went.


One of the best points Cagney made was about it becoming stale here. Because we have all known eachother for so long, I think most of us know where any particular fm be on any given subject especially politics. From that point of view we do need new members to keep it fresh
