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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

Cut to Bathroom with Shabby and Josie

Shabby can’t believe how much she is crapping it with regards tomorrow. She says she didn’t think it would feel like this.

Josie saying she has changed since she’s been In house. Shabby aske how and Josie replies she is more gobbier.

Shabby laughs and says Josie has always been a gobby cow but can see how she has gotten gobbier

Shabby reckons Rachael situation with JJ could actually help or hinder her chances. It depends how incident has been edited

Shabby leaves the bathroom and joins the other caoimhe and Ife in living room where they are busy stretching on floor

Shabby again saying she is bricking it

Caoimhe doesn’t think Shabby will go

Shabby telling the other 2 that Josie had told her that one of the reasons for her noms could be becos of their exclusive friendship and how this is causing a divide. The other two are shocked at this

Shabby says she doesn’t believe it

They are trying to work out which friends each of them have got “outside the trio”
