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Reply to "Last Wills & Testaments.."

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Funnily enough, I was just reading about Malcolm McLaren, who left a will expressly cutting his son off, and I thought we should probably update ours.


To be honest, the only thing that needs changing is that we originally said that if anything happened to the two of us, my brother and his wife would look after the children. Said children are all grown up now, so that bit isn't relevant.

Our will is all concerned with who'll take care of the kids - being that they are now 32, 30 and 29 I think they may object to my sister 'looking after them'.


We have a solicitor who has acted for us for 36 years - he lives and works in Leyburn in the Dales and although very familiar with him on the phone we had actually only met him once. We arranged a trip to discuss a Will - we had a couple of hours discussion - went for an incredibly boozy and lovely lunch at the Wensleydale Heiffer. Five years on - no bill and no will - he knows what we want I guess we should chase him up on it. Our affairs are a bit complicated as we have four shops and one of our kids works for us.

Soozy Woo