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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Both. :

A rather miserable day weather-wise, 19c light rain with a light wind of 8.

I was unraveling one of the Kiwi Vine lateral growth from a plastic support cord as it had wrapped along it without me noticing, it had grown about 750mm when i last noticed it but had wrapped around and grown another 500mm, i unraveled it along with a couple more when it started to rain on me, only light but stayed in after that.

My shopping arrived ok, MIL isn't well and SIL and o/h are keeping an eye on her, her symptoms seem to change like the weather.

So watched tv today apart from earlier when o/h wanted me to make a beef roast dinner, i use the meat oven thermometer probe to see how it is doing, at least you can see what the temperature is without opening the oven.

It looks better tomorrow so might be able to do some work on the greenhouse framework, i like having something to do.

Mollie, Not sure what o/h can do other than taking pain relief, part of the knee is bone one bone so exercise would hurt wouldn't it, i thought all along her knee had gone but she tried to persuade herself it was something else.

Not sure what this will do to the holiday plans, have no idea when she could have an op, there's probably a big queue.

Think Love Island fishes on the Monday 30th of July. 

You are enjoying these meals out, pubs being a favourite, don't blame you, any meal out saves work in the house.

Emptybox, Thats bad news, the work drying up with the grass, hope they will keep you on when the house sells.

I doubt if you can buy new oven door catches, never heard of an oven that needs the door closed to turn on, only a microwave, or do you mean that.

Yes, with the o/h needing an op not sure if this will mess up the holiday but her knee is more important of course.

I don't knpw if your grass growing is good or bad news.
