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Reply to "Darnell's Hotel (No Giraffes Allowed!)"

scatterby posted:
Baz posted:
scatterby posted:
Baz posted:

Evening Scatts How was your Xmas week ? 

Hi Bazzy - It's been okay thanks - seems to have flown by   and I have NO idea what day it is  How has yours been?  How are you?

I have been thinking it was Sunday all day !! How are Scatletts and your mum ? 

I know what you mean

Scattletts are tired out - been a busy week for them!  We went relative visiting this afternoon for a bit.  Mum not too bad, relatively speaking x

What have you been up to?

That's good  

Mine has been quiet ...but had a giggle on here last night ....we all piled in the Crib What are you up to tomorrow ? 
