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Reply to "Ben's Buddies"

The Proms starts tonight with the premiere of Zosha Di Castri's latest work Long Is the Journey - Short Is the Memory, which marks the 50th anniversary of the lunar landings.

The BBC article is possibly more interesting than the actual piece of music. Couldn't find any clips of it but found some of other music she has written. I won't post any links to those as I don't want to inflict any pain to your ears on the screechy sounds being made by the violins. She seems to be one of those composers who goes for experimental sounds rather than what most of us think of as music.


The other two works played today at the Proms are real music: Dvorak’s The Golden Spinning Wheel and Janácek’s Glagolitic Mass. (Glagolitic script is the oldest known Slavic alphabet and Janácek came from that part of the world)


El Loro