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Quick answer is yes, he would have.


I voted for Aaron because he was intelligent, interesting, complex, witty, quirky and mannerable, (sadly lacking in the BB house) not because he`s good looking. That would be fickle, something I`m not. I didn`t like some of his huffs but that was part and parcel of Aaron. For me, he`s the best housemate ever! 

Originally Posted by Scotty:

Quick answer is yes, he would have.


I voted for Aaron because he was intelligent, interesting, complex, witty, quirky and mannerable (sadly lacking the BB house) not because he`s good looking. That would be fickle, something I`m not. I didn`t like some of his huffs but that was part and parcel of Aaron. For me, he`s the best housemate ever! 

Very well put Scotty

Originally Posted by Scotty:

Quick answer is yes, he would have.


I voted for Aaron because he was intelligent, interesting, complex, witty, quirky and mannerable, (sadly lacking the BB house) not because he`s good looking. That would be fickle, something I`m not. I didn`t like some of his huffs but that was part and parcel of Aaron. For me, he`s the best housemate ever! 

He wasn't near as god as Derek Laud.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Quick answer is yes, he would have.


I voted for Aaron because he was intelligent, interesting, complex, witty, quirky and mannerable (sadly lacking in the BB house) not because he`s good looking. That would be fickle, something I`m not. I didn`t like some of his huffs but that was part and parcel of Aaron. For me, he`s the best housemate ever! 

Very well put Scotty

Thanks squiggle.

Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Quick answer is yes, he would have.


I voted for Aaron because he was intelligent, interesting, complex, witty, quirky and mannerable, (sadly lacking in the BB house) not because he`s good looking. That would be fickle, something I`m not. I didn`t like some of his huffs but that was part and parcel of Aaron. For me, he`s the best housemate ever! 

He wasn't near as god as Derek Laud.

You`re at it now. 


I just never saw the appeal of Aaron.


I found him very controlling very snidey and extremely hypocritical. He said he lied in his vt by makng out he was this arrogant tosspot..For me that is exactly what he ws in the house.


Lets not forget the boring on off relationship as well, one no doubt copied from the ziggy chanelle year.


Some of his "witty remarks" were down right cruel and uncalled for.Interestn h'm! well no doubt yes he was,but for all the wrong reasons.Aron made sleazer seem like a decent chap.


IMO of course.

Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Stain a quick question to you, do you normally post on DS?  Only there are a lot of posters over there who are mainly Jay supporters and they all seem to have the same opinion of Aaron as you do.

Quick answer. No, I have never even opened that site up to loo on it.

Nooo !! You're Jay! Please don't crap in the forum fridge! 

Hallo, by the way  

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Stain a quick question to you, do you normally post on DS?  Only there are a lot of posters over there who are mainly Jay supporters and they all seem to have the same opinion of Aaron as you do.

Quick answer. No, I have never even opened that site up to loo on it.

Nooo !! You're Jay! Please don't crap in the forum fridge! 

Hallo, by the way  

Originally Posted by stain:

Would Aaron have won if he had had a face like a welder's wellie? 


Quick answer is no, no he wouldn't have.




His looks had nothing to do with it, and I don't think anyone on here is shallow enough or dumb enough to vote for Aaron just because he is "good looking."  Brian Belo and Nadia are not exactly super handsome or beautiful physically, and Josie - although cute and pretty, was not a supermodel, and Brian Dowling; again cute but not supersexy ... and the same with Cameron who won BB 5 (I think...)  Those are just a few examples....  So to suggest that people only voted for Aaron because he was 'good looking' is laughable IMO.  How stupid do you think BB fans are? 


Aaron won because he was funny and witty and entertaining and polite and a gentleman... and not a revolting pig like Jay who was aggressive and tried to act 'ard all the time, wiped his shit on Louise's pillow, and boasted of shagging 1000 women!  What a catch eh?  I pity anyone who prefers a man like him over someone like Aaron.  Jay was probably riddled with all kinds of diseases, and his showmance with Louise was pathetic...You want fake and disingenuous...?  look at Louise... only going along with the showmance to hog camera time and sell the story at a later date...


Aaron was a bit moany and whiney at times, and a bit anal, but no more than ANYone else... He was just himself... unlike some who put on a show....and he is not the only one who bullshitted on his VT; almost EVERYone does it, and anyone who thinks differently is deluded IMO..  I am just sorry that the final was ruined by nasty small-minded, mean spiritied little shits who worshipped the Freakshow that is Jay.


Welcome to the forum by the way. 

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:
Originally Posted by stain:

Would Aaron have won if he had had a face like a welder's wellie? 


Quick answer is no, no he wouldn't have.




His looks had nothing to do with it, and I don't think anyone on here is shallow enough or dumb enough to vote for Aaron just because he is "good looking."  Brian Belo and Nadia are not exactly super handsome or beautiful physically, and Josie - although cute and pretty, was not a supermodel, and Brian Dowling; again cute but not supersexy ... and the same with Cameron who won BB 5 (I think...)  Those are just a few examples....  So to suggest that people only voted for Aaron because he was 'good looking' is laughable IMO.  How stupid do you think BB fans are? 


Aaron won because he was funny and witty and entertaining and polite and a gentleman... and not a revolting pig like Jay who was aggressive and tried to act 'ard all the time, wiped his shit on Louise's pillow, and boasted of shagging 1000 women!  What a catch eh?  I pity anyone who prefers a man like him over someone like Aaron.  Jay was probably riddled with all kinds of diseases, and his showmance with Louise was pathetic...You want fake and disingenuous...?  look at Louise... only going along with the showmance to hog camera time and sell the story at a later date...


Aaron was a bit moany and whiney at times, and a bit anal, but no more than ANYone else... He was just himself... unlike some who put on a show....and he is not the only one who bullshitted on his VT; almost EVERYone does it, and anyone who thinks differently is deluded IMO..  I am just sorry that the final was ruined by nasty small-minded, mean spiritied little shits who worshipped the Freakshow that is Jay.


Welcome to the forum by the way. 

bravo - so glad I read the thread before I started typing 



and you know what 12 days after winning people are still talking/ranting/moaning about him 


what a winner 




Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:
Originally Posted by stain:

Would Aaron have won if he had had a face like a welder's wellie? 


Quick answer is no, no he wouldn't have.




His looks had nothing to do with it, and I don't think anyone on here is shallow enough or dumb enough to vote for Aaron just because he is "good looking."  Brian Belo and Nadia are not exactly super handsome or beautiful physically, and Josie - although cute and pretty, was not a supermodel, and Brian Dowling; again cute but not supersexy ... and the same with Cameron who won BB 5 (I think...)  Those are just a few examples....  So to suggest that people only voted for Aaron because he was 'good looking' is laughable IMO.  How stupid do you think BB fans are? 


Aaron won because he was funny and witty and entertaining and polite and a gentleman... and not a revolting pig like Jay who was aggressive and tried to act 'ard all the time, wiped his shit on Louise's pillow, and boasted of shagging 1000 women!  What a catch eh?  I pity anyone who prefers a man like him over someone like Aaron.  Jay was probably riddled with all kinds of diseases, and his showmance with Louise was pathetic...You want fake and disingenuous...?  look at Louise... only going along with the showmance to hog camera time and sell the story at a later date...


Aaron was a bit moany and whiney at times, and a bit anal, but no more than ANYone else... He was just himself... unlike some who put on a show....and he is not the only one who bullshitted on his VT; almost EVERYone does it, and anyone who thinks differently is deluded IMO..  I am just sorry that the final was ruined by nasty small-minded, mean spiritied little shits who worshipped the Freakshow that is Jay.


Welcome to the forum by the way. 

I believe his looks had a lot to do with it, lets say if he looked like blind mickey he wouldn't have won. All the housemates who have won are admitedly not the nicest pin up types that we have had in the house over the years but all of them are in some way aisthetically pleasing to the eye.


Mickey however had all of Aarons wit and humour and was of course a decent fellow when it came to sharing treats and interacting with the others, he even, like Aaron took on the house bully, so to speak, rex on a number of occasions, yet mickey failed to clinch the crown because, well,to put it mildly,he was one ugly fecker.


I find your take on Jay way way over the top and completely uncalled for! "Riddled with diseases" Oh my god that is such a wihering statement to make one that has no hint of truth in it but you chose to use it to somehow stregnthen your argument.Yet you seem to want to pity people who like a certain housemate, well I don't accept your pity because it is not needed nor wanted, you should save some for Faye and her family who will be picking up the pieces after Aaron dumps her when he sees there is no pounds rolling in due to their fake romance.


Aaron only stated he lied in his vt, yet fo me, all I saw was the very same arrogant twat he portrayd himelf to be in his audtion vt.

Originally Posted by stain:


Aaron only stated he lied in his vt, yet fo me, all I saw was the very same arrogant twat he portrayd himelf to be in his audtion vt.

if you only watched the badly edited 45 mins a day show that was what CH5 and BB wanted you to see - Aaron wasnt their chosen one - JAY was  and one of the reasons Aaron won - nothing to do with looks - it was the way he dealt with every obstacle BB threw in the way to get him evicted for Jay to take the crown - am pleased to say it didnt work 



Mikey very nearly won, from what I remember.


I think his very crude jokes may have put a lot of people off, and Rachel just clinched it by also standing up to the house bully, who was actually targetting her, and just being genuinely lovely.


As for Aaron being the same as his VT, I thought I was going to hate him and ended up thinking he was great. He was nothing like his VT portrayed, imo.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by stain:




Aaron only stated he lied in his vt, yet fo me, all I saw was the very same arrogant twat he portrayd himelf to be in his audtion vt.

if you only watched the badly edited 45 mins a day show that was what CH5 and BB wanted you to see - Aaron wasnt their chosen one - JAY was  and one of the reasons Aaron won - nothing to do with looks - it was the way he dealt with every obstacle BB threw in the way to get him evicted for Jay to take the crown - am pleased to say it didnt work 


Do you mean the giant obstical of allowing housemates to talk about nominations the week when Aaron and harry and possibly Faye would certainly have been up for eviction or the way "the chosen one" Jay was shown to be aggresive and threatening in the final week when he was discussing how he would deal with Aaron outside the house?


This bb favouritism malarky is so outdated and just untrue. If Aaron was shown on the highlights being a huffy little scrote then that is infact exactly what he ws being.


Or jay, wiping his bum across loiuse's pillow, do you honestly think they showed that to make Jay popular!

Originally Posted by stain:


I believe his looks had a lot to do with it, lets say if he looked like blind mickey he wouldn't have won. All the housemates who have won are admitedly not the nicest pin up types that we have had in the house over the years but all of them are in some way aisthetically pleasing to the eye.


Mickey however had all of Aarons wit and humour and was of course a decent fellow when it came to sharing treats and interacting with the others, he even, like Aaron took on the house bully, so to speak, rex on a number of occasions, yet mickey failed to clinch the crown because, well,to put it mildly,he was one ugly fecker.


I find your take on Jay way way over the top and completely uncalled for! "Riddled with diseases" Oh my god that is such a wihering statement to make one that has no hint of truth in it but you chose to use it to somehow stregnthen your argument.Yet you seem to want to pity people who like a certain housemate, well I don't accept your pity because it is not needed nor wanted, you should save some for Faye and her family who will be picking up the pieces after Aaron dumps her when he sees there is no pounds rolling in due to their fake romance.


Aaron only stated he lied in his vt, yet fo me, all I saw was the very same arrogant twat he portrayd himelf to be in his audtion vt.


You believe what you want to believe, but suggesting that people only voted for Aaron because he is good looking is ridiculous.  You obviously think that BB viewers are stupid and shallow, or is it just AARON fans that you think are stupid and shallow, and so dumb and brainless, that they vote for someone because they are "good looking" and for no other reason... ?


Jay was quite good looking - even if he was a disease ridden pig (And I stand by this as anyone who has shagged 1000 people would almost certainly have picked something nasty up.)  So if JAY had won, I wonder if you would be saying the same thing?  I doubt it.


IMO, you sound like a very bitter JAY fan who is sore that Jay didn't win, so you come here, not only insulting Aaron, but also insulting anyone who liked him and voted for him.  Yet you seem somehow enraged and perturbed when someone here insults Jay.  Don't dish it out if you can't take it back matey..  


What is wihering by the way?  I made such a wihering statement apparently... Can you elaborate what a wihering statement is?


I didn't watch this series of BB, and have just googled Aaron to see what he looks like.  He's hardly a stunner by any stretch of the imagination, and just goes to confirm that you really can have a face like a box of mushrooms and still win Big Brother - with the possible exceptions of Kate LAwler, Rachel Rice, and Sophie Reade, BB winners aren't exactly a good looking bunch, are they?!

Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I didn't watch this series of BB, and have just googled Aaron to see what he looks like.  He's hardly a stunner by any stretch of the imagination, and just goes to confirm that you really can have a face like a box of mushrooms and still win Big Brother - with the possible exceptions of Kate LAwler, Rachel Rice, and Sophie Reade, BB winners aren't exactly a good looking bunch, are they?!

I was going to agree with you, but then I remembered your McCririck love!

Originally Posted by stain:

Do you mean the giant obstical of allowing housemates to talk about nominations the week when Aaron and harry and possibly Faye would certainly have been up for eviction or the way "the chosen one" Jay was shown to be aggresive and threatening in the final week when he was discussing how he would deal with Aaron outside the house?


This bb favouritism malarky is so outdated and just untrue. If Aaron was shown on the highlights being a huffy little scrote then that is infact exactly what he ws being.


Or jay, wiping his bum across loiuse's pillow, do you honestly think they showed that to make Jay popular!

If my girlfriend asked me to wipe my sweaty arse over her pilow I would do it.Jay wasn't all bad, he does sem to have come across more of a man that Aaron anyway when it comes to honouring a deal.


quoting you  ^^^^  from another thread here it would appear you are an avid Jay follower and no matter what I reply in favour of Aaron you are not going to agree with 


we will have to agree to differ about our chosen preferred housemates - BB ended 12 days ago and TBH the bashing should have ended then as well



Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by stain:

Do you mean the giant obstical of allowing housemates to talk about nominations the week when Aaron and harry and possibly Faye would certainly have been up for eviction or the way "the chosen one" Jay was shown to be aggresive and threatening in the final week when he was discussing how he would deal with Aaron outside the house?


This bb favouritism malarky is so outdated and just untrue. If Aaron was shown on the highlights being a huffy little scrote then that is infact exactly what he ws being.


Or jay, wiping his bum across loiuse's pillow, do you honestly think they showed that to make Jay popular!

If my girlfriend asked me to wipe my sweaty arse over her pilow I would do it.Jay wasn't all bad, he does sem to have come across more of a man that Aaron anyway when it comes to honouring a deal.


quoting you  ^^^^  from another thread here it would appear you are an avid Jay follower and no matter what I reply in favour of Aaron you are not going to agree with 


we will have to agree to differ about our chosen preferred housemates - BB ended 12 days ago and TBH the bashing should have ended then as well



EXACTLY!  How anyone can support monkey man is beyond me, and I do pity anyone who finds a man who wipes his shitty arse on someone's pillow funny and entertaining.  I seriously question their standards and morals...  In addition, it's laughable and pathetic that someone comes here and attacks Aaron - and his fans -  and then gets all huffy when someone attacks their precious Jay.  Smacks of double standards.  I am still wondering what wihering means too.. 

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:
Originally Posted by stain:


I believe his looks had a lot to do with it, lets say if he looked like blind mickey he wouldn't have won. All the housemates who have won are admitedly not the nicest pin up types that we have had in the house over the years but all of them are in some way aisthetically pleasing to the eye.


Mickey however had all of Aarons wit and humour and was of course a decent fellow when it came to sharing treats and interacting with the others, he even, like Aaron took on the house bully, so to speak, rex on a number of occasions, yet mickey failed to clinch the crown because, well,to put it mildly,he was one ugly fecker.


I find your take on Jay way way over the top and completely uncalled for! "Riddled with diseases" Oh my god that is such a wihering statement to make one that has no hint of truth in it but you chose to use it to somehow stregnthen your argument.Yet you seem to want to pity people who like a certain housemate, well I don't accept your pity because it is not needed nor wanted, you should save some for Faye and her family who will be picking up the pieces after Aaron dumps her when he sees there is no pounds rolling in due to their fake romance.


Aaron only stated he lied in his vt, yet fo me, all I saw was the very same arrogant twat he portrayd himelf to be in his audtion vt.


You believe what you want to believe, but suggesting that people only voted for Aaron because he is good looking is ridiculous.  You obviously think that BB viewers are stupid and shallow, or is it just AARON fans that you think are stupid and shallow, and so dumb and brainless, that they vote for someone because they are "good looking" and for no other reason... ?


Jay was quite good looking - even if he was a disease ridden pig (And I stand by this as anyone who has shagged 1000 people would almost certainly have picked something nasty up.)  So if JAY had won, I wonder if you would be saying the same thing?  I doubt it.


IMO, you sound like a very bitter JAY fan who is sore that Jay didn't win, so you come here, not only insulting Aaron, but also insulting anyone who liked him and voted for him.  Yet you seem somehow enraged and perturbed when someone here insults Jay.  Don't dish it out if you can't take it back matey..  


What is wihering by the way?  I made such a wihering statement apparently... Can you elaborate what a wihering statement is?

Well I might not be known for my extraordinary powers of perception, but I have a hunch that Stain might have meant withering. 

Originally Posted by Growlybear:

Well I might not be known for my extraordinary powers of perception, but I have a hunch that Stain might have meant withering. 

 Does that even make sense?!  


My 'powers of perception' are telling me something, but I shall refrain from saying what it is on here, and shall now exit the thread, and shan't post in it again...  I have said all I want to say now  and would only repeat myself over and over if I carry on.  

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:
Originally Posted by stain:


I believe his looks had a lot to do with it, lets say if he looked like blind mickey he wouldn't have won. All the housemates who have won are admitedly not the nicest pin up types that we have had in the house over the years but all of them are in some way aisthetically pleasing to the eye.


Mickey however had all of Aarons wit and humour and was of course a decent fellow when it came to sharing treats and interacting with the others, he even, like Aaron took on the house bully, so to speak, rex on a number of occasions, yet mickey failed to clinch the crown because, well,to put it mildly,he was one ugly fecker.


I find your take on Jay way way over the top and completely uncalled for! "Riddled with diseases" Oh my god that is such a wihering statement to make one that has no hint of truth in it but you chose to use it to somehow stregnthen your argument.Yet you seem to want to pity people who like a certain housemate, well I don't accept your pity because it is not needed nor wanted, you should save some for Faye and her family who will be picking up the pieces after Aaron dumps her when he sees there is no pounds rolling in due to their fake romance.


Aaron only stated he lied in his vt, yet fo me, all I saw was the very same arrogant twat he portrayd himelf to be in his audtion vt.


You believe what you want to believe, but suggesting that people only voted for Aaron because he is good looking is ridiculous.  You obviously think that BB viewers are stupid and shallow, or is it just AARON fans that you think are stupid and shallow, and so dumb and brainless, that they vote for someone because they are "good looking" and for no other reason... ?


Jay was quite good looking - even if he was a disease ridden pig (And I stand by this as anyone who has shagged 1000 people would almost certainly have picked something nasty up.)  So if JAY had won, I wonder if you would be saying the same thing?  I doubt it.


IMO, you sound like a very bitter JAY fan who is sore that Jay didn't win, so you come here, not only insulting Aaron, but also insulting anyone who liked him and voted for him.  Yet you seem somehow enraged and perturbed when someone here insults Jay.  Don't dish it out if you can't take it back matey..  


What is wihering by the way?  I made such a wihering statement apparently... Can you elaborate what a wihering statement is?

Before you go off to get a tea towel to wipe all the froth from your mouth, could you please show me where I have insulted anyone for supporting aarron! I will save you the bother as you won't find anything. I am also not saying that Aaron fans voted for him because of the way he looks, I am saying that a lot of his fans will have seen his looks and that would have ben the final clincher to vote for him as he was pleasing to the eye as well as being witty and dramatic.


Enraged and perturbed, lol. On a forum, lmao, behave.


You do hoewever have some front stating I am in the wrong about what or who I can talk about on a bb forum.

Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I'm just a little bemused that, after all these years of Big Brother, people are still arguing with each other about contestants on a TV programme who are prepared to do absolutely anything to get a few minutes of fame.  Aren't there rather more important things to worry about?  

Isn't a bb forum the very place to be having these "arguments" or is there something I am missing about this forum?


I think this is a Big Brother forum in name only.  Since we all moved here a couple of years ago, it has been much more of a general forum, with really very little discussion about Big Brother.  I just find it puzzling that people are insulting each other on a forum about people who really are complete dross and who took part in a TV programme that finished over a week ago. 

Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I'm just a little bemused that, after all these years of Big Brother, people are still arguing with each other about contestants on a TV programme who are prepared to do absolutely anything to get a few minutes of fame.  Aren't there rather more important things to worry about?  

Isn't a bb forum the very place to be having these "arguments" or is there something I am missing about this forum?

Well if you look at the long list of threads you'll see that very few of them are BB related so ............yeah I would say that you're missing something. It is indeed a BB forum but we do talk other stuff too.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by stain:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I'm just a little bemused that, after all these years of Big Brother, people are still arguing with each other about contestants on a TV programme who are prepared to do absolutely anything to get a few minutes of fame.  Aren't there rather more important things to worry about?  

Isn't a bb forum the very place to be having these "arguments" or is there something I am missing about this forum?

Well if you look at the long list of threads you'll see that very few of them are BB related so ............yeah I would say that you're missing something. It is indeed a BB forum but we do talk other stuff too.

How ridiculous is it to be told in a bb thread that the forum is used to talk about other things, why did you even bother posting that! It is the most stupid thin I have heard since my forum days began.


No offence meant.


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