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Originally Posted by Moomin:

I cringed as I watched all the camp fawning over someone who IMHO is not that great a singer/celebrity like he was the Messiah?

Fatima, what on earth happened to her? Crissy behaving like a teenager and asking for his number? I found the whole thing completely .


Sorry if it was just me.

Spot on Moomin 


Guys a fake, thick, talentless  tosser.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Certainly did, Cinds.     Pretty much what I was thinking... they're both needing a bit of a profile boost.....

I cant remember what mag it was, but I read something on the front cover of a mag yesterday about how Peter and Katie are friends again "for the sake of the kids" uh huh...nothing at all to do with the fact when they are together they make more money, oh IS FOR TEH CHILDREN!!!!!11!!!!1


Wow, I thought it was just me.    Nice post Moomin.  


They acted like he was Johnny Depp or Leo DiCaprio or David Beckham, or someone really famous over the world, and really talented.  Andre is a has-been pop singer who had at best 2 decent songs out in the 1990s, and frankly I can't name more than 3 songs of his, or the name of any albums he had.


And although he has a toned body, he is not good looking IMO.  Also, he is just a reality tv regular who does nowt but make shit programmes about his life and what a 'great dad' he is.    And yes, these past middle age women cooing and drooling over him was majorly sad.  It was like an episode of loose Women.   The way those bints fawn over men 20 years younger than them and pant and drool when a moderately toned man comes on stage makes me cringe...  Even though I think the likes of Rob Pattinson and Zac Effron are dishy, they are about 15 years younger than me, and I wouldn't dream of fawning over them publicly (or ANYONE actually.)  It WAS embarassing. 

Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Certainly did, Cinds.     Pretty much what I was thinking... they're both needing a bit of a profile boost.....

I cant remember what mag it was, but I read something on the front cover of a mag yesterday about how Peter and Katie are friends again "for the sake of the kids" uh huh...nothing at all to do with the fact when they are together they make more money, oh IS FOR TEH CHILDREN!!!!!11!!!!1

 I saw that in the news agents today, I think it was OK.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Certainly did, Cinds.     Pretty much what I was thinking... they're both needing a bit of a profile boost.....

I cant remember what mag it was, but I read something on the front cover of a mag yesterday about how Peter and Katie are friends again "for the sake of the kids" uh huh...nothing at all to do with the fact when they are together they make more money, oh IS FOR TEH CHILDREN!!!!!11!!!!1

 I saw that in the news agents today, I think it was OK.

Did it make you roll your eyes? I used to like Pete!!

Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

i dont get it... its a talentless bloke who married a huge boobied bint .. but then again, i think, just maybe, possible he loves his kids.. heres a tip for all those who think thats admirable   


YOU`RE SUPPOSED TO....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


and you are totally right about the loving his kids thing...most Dads do that without a big fuss, don't they?


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