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Who would be on your list?  And for what reason (some sleeze is allowed but not enough to get the banstick).


1.  Julian Assange ~ cos I want to know all the secrets he HASNT posted on his Wiki Leaks site.


2.  Greg Braden (author) cos maybe he can finally make me understand quantum theory.  Also he's quite a dish but I will love his brain first ~ and who knows what else after a few Zinfandels


3.  Stephen King (author) ~ cos I often think he quite, quite mad and I'd like to know for sure.


4.  Billy Connelly ~ cos if it gets a bit heavy with the above ^^^^ he can make us laugh


Replies sorted oldest to newest

1.Stephen Fry - because I think he's clever and funny and a good raconteur.

2.Vicoria Wood - because she's funny and down to earth.

3.Denzel Washington - because he is gorgeous and I have the hots for him.

4.Val McDermid - I love her books and would like to discuss them with her.

5.Martin Luther King - I admire what he tried to achieve.

6.Judi Dench - my favourite actress

Last edited by Yogi19

I'm going to be totally shallow with my first guest and it would be....



Amaury Nolasco so I could skip dessert and have him for afters


But for the conversation part I'd like to invite:


Morgan Freeman.....he could talk shite and I'd just listen to him all evening.


My da's da.....he died long before I was born but I hear he was an absolute gent and being the only Englishman in the Bogside area of Derry during The Troubles I'd bet he had some stories to tell!


Robert Downey Jr..... I think he'd be refreshingly open about all the shit that goes down in Hollywood (anyone who reads Blind Items might know what I'm talking about )


aaaaand my 3 best friends coz I couldn't possibly not invite them and at least I'd know if those lot ^^^ were bores then I'd still have a great night!



(I wouldn't be interested in political/overly worshipped guests at all)


Brad Pitt for the totty

Elvis (when he was young!!) for the entertainment

Jo Brand for the laughs

Jamie Oliver to  help out with the cooking (or to just cook it himself )

Doris Stokes to satisfy my curiosity

John Edward to listen to him and Doris debating.......

My Mum just so I could spend an evening with her xxx


Good thread, btw 

Originally Posted by Aquarius:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Do they have to be alive Aquarius? or can we have people from the past too? 



Alive or dead rosie.  I will have to go now and think of some who are no longer with us.

Oh ta Aquarius.



1. Franklin D Roosevelt, as he is my all time hero and would be an inspirational guest. Aside from the social change he drove through, he was a very brave man, who hid the fact he was so ill he needed a back brace to stand up.


2. Emily Bronte. She would be a fascinating and mysterious guest. How did a Curate's daughter produce such a wild, dark book?


3. F. Scott Fitzgerald as I love the way he wrote - he would be a very eloquent guest. Also I read a sad biography of him - I would like to tell him not to throw away his talent.


4. Michael Palin as he'd be the perfect house guest; affable charming and funny.


Originally Posted by San:

Brad Pitt for the totty

Elvis (when he was young!!) for the entertainment

Jo Brand for the laughs

Jamie Oliver to  help out with the cooking (or to just cook it himself )

Doris Stokes to satisfy my curiosity

John Edward to listen to him and Doris debating.......

My Mum just so I could spend an evening with her xxx


Good thread, btw 



San, you know we would fight over John Edward and you would probably win

Aww and your mum


Hitler - sorry but i'd have to. He needs a talking to!!

Stephen Fry - endlessly fascinating

Paula Yates - the only person ever to exude provocative sensuality and brains on TV screens. I miss her so much

Margi Clarke - just love her worldliness

Lord Byron - what a guy !!!

Earnest Heminway - another fascinating guy who lived life to the full




I may have to have her word with Her Maj and hire out the banqueting hall at Buck House for mine....


1) Sean Bean...who else??? Just because he is glorious.

2) Elizabeth I...but at the other end of the table to Sean cos I bet she would try and hit on him...I would LOVE to chat to her about her life, she fascinates me.

3) Russell Howard...cos he is funny and cute.

4) James Martin...for the food and his fab accent!

5) Siouxsie Sioux....cos I flipping love her!

6) Hedy Lamar...a truly stunning lady who probably has more than a few tales about the golden age of Hollywood.

7) Sandi Toksvig....I adore her, she has me in fits all the time.

8) James Hetfield....that man definitely has some stories to tell...and maybe I could persuade him to do an acoustic set for post dinner entertainment.

9) Terry Wogan....I could listen to him for hours.

10) Agatha Christie....maybe she could give me tips for the blooming MMs!!

11) Douglas Bader....I love his story and would love to hear it from his point of view.

12) My Great Grandad Donald Clare...he lied about his age to serve in WW1, volunteered for WW2 and was taken POW in Burma...he died when I was 5....I would love the chance to talk to and really get to know him now that I can really appreciate him...he taught me to read and write and I would like to be able to thank him for that and his love of reading which has instilled itself in me.

13) my beloved Grandma....I love her and miss her every day...I'd like to be able to spoil thank her for making my life so much brighter, for all the lessons she taught me that I am only now understanding and for loving me for me.


That'll do...and tbh, I'd be happy just to have a little more time with my Grandma and her Dad.

Originally Posted by Baz:

I would invite:


Shakespeare..... to find out if he really did write all those plays 


Ernest Shackelton..... to find out how me (and his men) found the courage and stamina to make that trek


Elizabeth the First......cos she fascinates me


And George Clooney and Denzil Washington ..... cos they are phwoarrrrr


Originally Posted by MrsB:
Originally Posted by Baz:

I would invite:


Shakespeare..... to find out if he really did write all those plays 


Ernest Shackelton..... to find out how me (and his men) found the courage and stamina to make that trek


Elizabeth the First......cos she fascinates me


And George Clooney and Denzil Washington ..... cos they are phwoarrrrr



ohhhhhhhhhhh, I can't decide ...


obviously Paul Young *drool*


maybe Victoria Wood - or there is another female comedian around atm who is really funny, but I can't remember her name, and Victoria Wood did tell my favourite joke of all time ("your worst moment is being in the throes of labour and looking out of the window to see a coach go past with Anethatists Outing on the side of it" ... I'd just given birth at the time, I'm not sure if I laughed or groaned!!)


Maybe Maggie in the early days (not a popular choice on here I know, but would be fascinating)


Bill Gates - but Bill Gates back in the '70s when he was all young and enthusiastic and we all had no idea what he was talking about


I'll ponder the rest - I have a very big forum table


This is my 2nd List....there could be many more too.

Julie Walters because I've loved everything she's ever done (and my friend has met her and says she's really down to earth and with no airs and graces)

John MacEnroe cos he's entertained me no end over the years ~ I even love him commentating.

Chris Rock cos I laugh my socks off at his cheeky/forthright humour (no political correctness in his book)

And Stevie Gerrard purely and simply because he's hot hot HOT!!

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

If we can have a second list, I'd like

Madame Tussaud (she started out with her dad a few years before the French Revolution.


The knitting woman beside the guillotine

Marie Antoinette

The Scarlet Pimpernell.



Nice one cologne.  Have as many dinner parties/guests as you like.

There's so many people I would love to meet that I might be still going come xmas


I'd only want people I really like/have admired for various reasons 

Tony Benn

Maya Angelou

Bob Geldof (Can't help it, fell in love with him circa 1976!)

Dawn French

Ruud Gullitt (if he's busy then Pep Guardiola could maybe stand in, or, if they could both make it, maybe I could manage an extra seat)

Meryl Streep

George Clooney

My twin sis

And, honestly,two or three fm from here 

Originally Posted by Renton:

I might not be able to make it Super, ok

Have a lot of PM's to read

Never mind, I know you must be busy.... you could maybe nip over to Shields and send Sarah Millican? Alternatively one of those Charlton brothers, Malcolm MacDonald or Sting? Oooo or T Dan Smith, he'd be interesting.

Extends table and sets a few more places!


Jock Stein. Now that was a manager!


The Dalai Lama - cause he's so smiley  . ( I'd serve veggieburgers and make him one with everything .)


John MacLean, would love to hear what he thinks of the way Scotland is today ( and hear the speech he made in court ) 


Marc Bolan.  Just to look at ( well, maybe gaze adoringly at ) 


Frida Kahlo , to find out why the hell she remarried Diego Rivera.


Susan Sarandon, just cause there's something about her I like .




Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Aquarius:

Slinki, Susan Sarandon!  Yes, yes, yes.  I know what you mean about her.

Great actress but you also get the sense that she's a great person too.


Jock Stein and the Dalai Lama.....I just got to get an invite to this one.

Dress code's formal Aquarius ! ( that means posh jammies!) 



Jammies ~ you're my kind of girl


Paul McKenna so he could hypnotise me into giving up smoking, believing I had a gastric band and believing spiders really are loveable, after all

A young David Lee Roth 

Princess Diana, just because

Elizabeth Taylor, a fascinating woman

Aladdin's genie to grant me three wishes

Lassie to eat the scraps that I didn't like

Mother Teresa and Bob Geldof, to shake their hands for all the amazing charity work they have done


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