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Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!):

Lisa Maffia (first girl on the left) is lovely, she is the one who is running the Romeo to win thing on Twitter, as she was in SSC too and she tweeted me before ages ago.



The girls were a bit standoffish Darlo, Romeo, Corin, Mario and Sunshine were lovely...I did not like Steve, he was staying in our hotel too 


I am disappointed that's he's not getting as much airtime as he deserves .... in the normall BB House that can work to their advantage in that the big mouths go first - but I think it might be a problem with the short CBB run as there's less opportunity to build the fan base


I hope this week we see LOTS more of him - he is just a cut above the rest and deserves a shot at it! 


Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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