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The original Buffy posting board called The Bronze was really heavy at times and some of the Footy fora I post on make C4 look like a vicars tea party.
I never really had much trouble on C4 - not with other fms anyway it was always the mods - but I have found that when someone takes a dislike to me then they can never let it go no matter how studiously I ignore it.
Sadly, it's possible to find insensitive people on any forum, and even sadder people whose humourless, tiny mind tells them it is fun to offend and upset.
I received some pretty rough treatment on C4 forum (under a different name) by a handful of very unpleasant posters, to thew extent that I withdrew from that forum and returned at a later date with a new name.
I'm on a few music forums and one of them is so bad I'm almost afraid to post - if you accidentally duplicate a thread you get a reprimand from the mods.  If you prefer one band member over another it becomes a biatchfest 

I used to be on the official forum for my favourite band and we self moderated until a troll started causing all sorts of trouble.  The powers that be there decided that proper moderators were needed from amongst the ranks but the two chosen were two of the worst trouble makers on the board and they made life miserable for everybody as the power went to their heads.  I made a comment on another private forum (independent of the official forum) about how bad the situation was which was copied and sent the management of the official forum and now I'm banned 

Having said that, they lost so many members they've recently revamped the forum to encourage a few more members in 
Reference: Veggieburger
C4 during BB7 is my favourite time ever on a forum - I loved it. Even with all the mentalism and trolls.

*Puts hand up too* Me also, C4 during BB7 was mad, bad and some of the best fun I ever had   That was my first proper forum  I didn't even know what a troll was before I joined.

They wound me up something terrible until I learned.   
Well rosey first of all you have to wait an age before they moderate your post and I wanted to rant about a particular programme while it was on

When I did finally manage to post my opinion was blasted by regulars - I often read the messageboards so recognised their user names - so, yes I felt a bit ganged up on

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