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If I could come in here? That's one of the defects of your actual market economy. I believe it was that Thatcher one who suggested, if I remember it correctly, that you can buck your opposite gender partner but you can't buck the market.

As long as people pay over a thousand sponds for a season ticket or in excess of fifty for a match ticket nothing will change. "Twenty is plenty!" That is our catchphrase.

I couldn't care fewer about the other sports!

Garage Joe

I don't have a problem with sportsmen (and women's) wages - least of all footballer's.  Most have a limited career span and it could be over in the blink of a badly timed tackle. 


No one moaned from the terraces when players were on 20 quid a week despite being (as then) Division 1 players earning less than a brickie.

It's all Jimmy Hill's fault   

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

I don't have a problem with sportsmen (and women's) wages - least of all footballer's.  Most have a limited career span and it could be over in the blink of a badly timed tackle. 


No one moaned from the terraces when players were on 20 quid a week despite being (as then) Division 1 players earning less than a brickie.

It's all Jimmy Hill's fault   

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Another vote for Middlesbrough Municipal Golf Course. Last time I went there the security gadjie patted me down and asked if I had any weapons. I told him that I hadn't and he said, "Here! You had better take this Sabatier!"


(the old ones are the best)


If it had been me he was asking my response would have been "I am the most lethal weapon you will encounter".





Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

I read the other day that a Chelsea player (unnamed) would rather lose than win under Mourinho. 


Never mind the fans paying a fortune to watch Chelsea, never mind the fantastic wages that are beyond the dreams of most of us, just a selfish ego driven prima-donna who sees himself as the centre of his own personal universe, where his ego is king and bollocks to everyone else!


I get sick of reading how managers have 'lost the dressing room'.  If most of the real world are pissed off with our bosses, we don't deliberately screw up to undermine them, in the hope they'll be sacked, we get on with our jobs to the best of our abilities. 


My leftist instincts tell me that money is poor motivator.  Football is best proof of this.



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