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Hate to say I told you so, but I had her pegged from the start. When Douche Lord was laying 7 layers of hell on Rachel, Josie seemed have a sly grin, and a smug satisfaction that Douche Lord preferred her company over Rachel's.

She would make out she was rachel's mate she wasn't at all!

I always felt she was hugely threatened by Rachel, I knew then that Josie was a duplicitous little bitch.
Senora Reyes
She would make out she was rachel's mate she wasn't at al! I always felt she was hugely threatened by Rachel, I knew then that Josie was a duplicitous little bitch.
Have to agree with you. Did she ever tell him to stop tormenting Rachael.I don't think so! However when he turned on her she wasn'tlong about bringing Rachaels name into the equasion because it suited her to do so. I can't stand her..slutty Josie.
She told him off on the Racheal issue but he likes to go on and on so she left it but she wasnt having it when he turned on her. The shocking thing was he blamed her for his actions when she done nothing at all. Abusive mentality in the making. Good on Josie for standing her own.

Yep, totally agree.  He does like to blame others for provoking him kicking off.  Strikes me as a wife beater in the making.
Last edited by Carnelian
yep she did and she  tied to  advise rachael on how to deal with him

Yes she did, but Rachael, IMO as the most attractive woman on the show, seemed preoccupied by the prospect of a big media romance that she'd do anything to try and turn him around.  She was blind to the fact that he just didn't like her (for some reason) and it was never going to happen.
She was blind to the fact that he just didn't like her (for some reason) and it was never going to happen.
Maybe because she continually looked at him like a piece of Sh*te ................I know that some think JJ used it as an excuse and people don't agree but I for one saw that disdainful look on her face on several occasions ................if I'm honest it would have hacked me off too.
Soozy Woo
Hate to say I told you so, but I had her pegged from the start. When Douche Lord was laying 7 layers of hell on Rachel, Josie seemed have a sly grin, and a smug satisfaction that Douche Lord preferred her company over Rachel's. She would make out she was rachel's mate she wasn't at all! I always felt she was hugely threatened by Rachel, I knew then that Josie was a duplicitous little bitch
Grrrrr and I hate to say it but you were right about her. 
she wasn't bullying him.  Her understanding was the pair of them usually engage in that kind of banter, he wasn't in the mood, but she was just messing about and then felt he went for the jugular.  Fair enough when it happened first it seemed to me she could give it but can't take it, but then when she explained it to him later and the two of them laughed about it, I thought that was lovely.
Reference: Blizzie
She told him straight that he was being a prick to Rachael, several times. And she was ready for him, when he started on her!
That's how I saw it, too. Several people were taking the pee out of JJ, but as Josie pointed out, he only had the guts to pick on the one girl doing it. Turns out he picked on the wrong one!
I've never really liked her ... but last night we saw her true colours .... what a biatch 

A real nasty piece of work .... I wouldn't trust her one bit

I wonder if Josie  thinks Shabby was saved last week because of her bitchyness and so she herself has decided to jump on the bandwagon? ..... She'll get a sharp shock next time shabby is up for the public vote, which very sadly, turns out NOT to be this week as I had hoped

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