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love or hate sammy pepper/john james - at least they make it a show worth watching
Spot on Sis! The final without Sam & John James will be one big borefest!

Cannot understand how on earth the likes of Steve, Dave and Mario are still there at all! Especially Dave!
The guy has had nothing but negative feedback here and on other forums, yet when we have a chance to evict this vile man, what do you all do, vote out John James and sammy P!  Love em or loath them they've entertained us a damn sight more than Steve, Andrew, Dave and Mario...and whats more they speak their minds. WYSIWYG's
I am sure they planned for all the big characters to go; Sam, Corin, J.J and Dave. They know that a vote to evict does this as they made that mistake with their darling Nikki and here they are making the same mistake but multiplied by 4!  Very fishy.   I think they are hoping Sam and co's plan to goad corin into erupting would suit their plans to a tee!

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