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Moonie posted:
Roger the Alien posted:
Moonie posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Freezy and blowy here in S. Wales.

Brass monkeys here in the West Mids Rog 


*feel warmer now*  

 *makes Moonie a super spicy chili con carne with extra jalapenos to  keep the chills out*  

I might actually make that for supper come to think of it 

Roger the Alien posted:
Moonie posted:
Roger the Alien posted:
Moonie posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Freezy and blowy here in S. Wales.

Brass monkeys here in the West Mids Rog 


*feel warmer now*  

 *makes Moonie a super spicy chili con carne with extra jalapenos to  keep the chills out*  

I might actually make that for supper come to think of it 

 Ta muchly Rog 

Hope you have a strong constitution 

Sprout posted:
Moonie posted:
Sprout posted:
Moonie posted:
Sprout posted:
Moonie posted:

Warmer but wetter in most places tomorrow Sprouty 

I want it a bit warmer but dry though 

I have a feeling there's not gonna be much of that this year 

Shurrup you! 

Erm...nope didn't expect that response didja? 


Moonie posted:
Sprout posted:
Moonie posted:
Sprout posted:
Moonie posted:
Sprout posted:
Moonie posted:
Erm...nope didn't expect that response didja? 


I can be unpredictable.......when I'm not being predictable 

Well, yeah, I think 

In short.....I'm an enigma  

Well your certainly "well coded" 

PMSL!! Stop making me laff will ya! 


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