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My washing machine conked out yesterday. (I totally blame Aimee for living in the same country as me....she needs to move!!) 


So I need to buy a new one. No big deal. It was old and over-due an upgrade anyway. I can afford a new one, so everything is just fine. Yay!


Except.... my mum bought me this one Back in the day when I was a poor single parent without a penny to my name (and despite the fact she was pretty hard up herself). She saved me from endless ENDLESS hand washing!


By the time I was earning a good salary and able to help her in return, it was pretty much too late I always wanted to take her away on holidays etc.... inject some well earned fun into her life (she has a life long desire to go to Disney Land/World/Whatever).... but her health wasn't good enough by then. I was able to help her out in smaller ways..... Sky TV, ipad, winter fuel bills, lots of meals out, ..... but it never felt like enough. 


So yeah Not totally sure where I'm going with this  


I know there are lots of people on here who have lost their mums, I know I'm not alone by any means. But it's really bloody shit isn't it?  I feel too young to be an orphan!  


For those of you not in the know, my mum died in April last year after a two-ish year cancer I didn't seriously expect her to lose until 3 weeks before she did. (Talk to Ditty....she knows all about my ridiculous optimistic bubble tendencies). 


I've been doing pretty well. Stupidly well for the first 6 months. Weirdly, worrying well! But it inevitably hit me in the end and the last 3 months have been a lot more challenging. Christmas was ok because I took Ditty's advice and left the country, New Year was harder but I got through it by being a grumpy sod and refusing to watch the fireworks. 


But now I have Washing Machine Replacing Day to deal with.  No one warned me about this one! 


And the emotional stuff aside, it's REALLY DIFFICULT!!  I genuinely think the internet is conspiring against me and wants to see me on my hands and knees, scrubbing me undergarments in the bathtub.  


I have come close to buying two machines tonight.... the first promised me delivery in 5 days and after 15 minutes of navigating a particularly difficult shopping cart page, then informed me the first available date was Feb 23rd! Sod that! The second decided that my card number does not exist. It does. I can see it! It's right there! 


So I'm giving up for the night. Washing Machine Replacement Day shall now be tomorrow. 


Please leave your hugs (optional) and washing machine suggestions (a legal requirement) below  



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Jeez, when I read this I realize I've had a gifted life so far.


Ducky, could you keep the washing machine and utilize it in any way. a planter for the garden?


Love you both and hope you are both able to get through this (bloomin nightmare)            

Planter bit, I like that. Quirky. Ducks you could paint it with a stone effect paint & have flowers spilling out of the drum.

Originally Posted by Saint:


My mum has been very ill recently

I know I won't cope when she dies

Its the day I will disappear from here and never return 


You WILL cope Saint! I never thought I would. I thought I would go completely to pieces and not be able to function in any normal kind of way, but you do. You don't feel like you should, but you do


And don't even think about disappearing! I've disappeared a bit.....I've not been a very good Darnie at times (sorry Bazzy and co).... but it's been a life line at times too. 


Hope you and mum muddle on through for a good while yet  

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:



Ducky, could you keep the washing machine and utilize it in any way. a planter for the garden?




OMG. That made me laugh, just the thought of it! But actually it's a really really great idea Velvet.   


She loved gardening! I made my back garden from scratch 3 years ago and she was so impressed (i'm not known for having green fingers). She'd be really cross with me right now....cos I haven't been very enthusiastic with it of late  This might be the thing I need to get me back in the swing of it. 


Maybe the internet knew what it was doing tonight. Cos I would have paid for them to take the old one away had the orders been successful.


I'm gonna mull this over!  


Funnily talking about washing machines, Mr C & I were laughing earlier tonight about his Dad's washing machine.


After his Dad passed, we had all of his stuff stored at our business unit. Anyway, one of my nephews got a new place with his wife and they were short of a washing machine, so we gave them the one we had that belonged to Mr Cinds father.


Roll on 6 months, my nephew rang Mr Cinds & said the washing machine had broke, so could he sort it out! He was told politely, the machine cost you nothing, so that means there is no warranty. Pay for it to be fixed or buy a new one.


Sorry, I know that's now relevant to this, but it made me laugh.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Planter bit, I like that. Quirky. Ducks you could paint it with a stone effect paint & have flowers spilling out of the drum.



You know what. I SO nearly didn't post this thread.... I started it twice and deleted it. I was a bit uncomfortable with announcing my woes to the world, but I'm really glad I did now. Forget washing machines, stone effect paint googling is next on my list  

Originally Posted by Cinds:



Roll on 6 months, my nephew rang Mr Cinds & said the washing machine had broke, so could he sort it out! He was told politely, the machine cost you nothing, so that means there is no warranty. Pay for it to be fixed or buy a new one.






He's your nephew, so I'll be polite too and just say some people 'eh?  

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Cinds:



Roll on 6 months, my nephew rang Mr Cinds & said the washing machine had broke, so could he sort it out! He was told politely, the machine cost you nothing, so that means there is no warranty. Pay for it to be fixed or buy a new one.






He's your nephew, so I'll be polite too and just say some people 'eh?  

Don't worry his wife & 'him' dont speak to me now. Well he does, but I'm not allowed to when his wife is there.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Jeez, when I read this I realize I've had a gifted life so far.


Ducky, could you keep the washing machine and utilize it in any way. a planter for the garden?


Love you both and hope you are both able to get through this (bloomin nightmare)            

that BIB, was my first thought while reading thru too..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

Awwww Ducks It's so tough darling, (I know,) it does get easier, but there's hardly a day goes by when I don't wish that I could have a moment with my mum, have a chat or share something with her, and I lost her 14 years ago, just before my 40th birthday. Great idea to try and do something with the washing machine My constant reminder is this, which she bought in advance for my 40th AOJTND-G.JPG  I wear it on my little finger and play with it all of the time, it's a forever reminder that our love for each other will always go on and on, even if she's not here.

Big hugs to you sweetheart xxx

Last edited by Former Member

Ducky    it's horrible isn't it when little things set you off.  As everyone says it does get better... have a go with the planter iidea,  and let us see the results!


Good luck with the new washer... I favour local independents if I can, I think they're generally more helpful but sadly disappearing.   Otherise I agree John Lewis are great for customer service,


Thanks everyone  


I finally managed to sort out my internet issues and order a new machine. It should be here before next weekend. 


The old one is being stored for now, until nearer the spring when I am definitely going to incorporate it into my garden  


I've been doing a bit of a googling and I may take it apart and use the drum as a planter...rather than the whole thing. My garden isn't that big, so the whole machine may be a bit too much. There are videos on youtube that show you how to do it... believe it or not Being the nerd that I am, I'm actually quite excited at the prospect of dismantling it  


Velvet, you're seriously a star!  

Originally Posted by Ducky:

Thanks everyone  


I finally managed to sort out my internet issues and order a new machine. It should be here before next weekend. 


The old one is being stored for now, until nearer the spring when I am definitely going to incorporate it into my garden  


I've been doing a bit of a googling and I may take it apart and use the drum as a planter...rather than the whole thing. My garden isn't that big, so the whole machine may be a bit too much. There are videos on youtube that show you how to do it... believe it or not Being the nerd that I am, I'm actually quite excited at the prospect of dismantling it  


Velvet, you're seriously a star!  


Originally Posted by Ducky:

Thanks everyone  


I finally managed to sort out my internet issues and order a new machine. It should be here before next weekend. 


The old one is being stored for now, until nearer the spring when I am definitely going to incorporate it into my garden  


I've been doing a bit of a googling and I may take it apart and use the drum as a planter...rather than the whole thing. My garden isn't that big, so the whole machine may be a bit too much. There are videos on youtube that show you how to do it... believe it or not Being the nerd that I am, I'm actually quite excited at the prospect of dismantling it  


Velvet, you're seriously a star!  

That would be lovely Ducky  Hope you're doing ok today? 


And yes Velvet is a star 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Hope you're doing ok today? 


And yes Velvet is a star 


Much better today thanks Rog. This thread cheered me up loads last night, and I've had a lovely day with my sister and her family. It was her birthday today.... so we crammed in as much fun as we could  

Last edited by Ducky
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Hope you're doing ok today? 


And yes Velvet is a star 


Much better today thanks Rog. This thread cheered me up loads last night, and I've had a lovely day with my sister and her family. It was her birthday today.... so we crammed in as much fun as we could  

YAY! Well done you! 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Hope you're doing ok today? 


And yes Velvet is a star 


Much better today thanks Rog. This thread cheered me up loads last night, and I've had a lovely day with my sister and her family. It was her birthday today.... so we crammed in as much fun as we could  

Aww glad you had a nice day with your sister Ducky 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Hope you're doing ok today? 


And yes Velvet is a star 


Much better today thanks Rog. This thread cheered me up loads last night, and I've had a lovely day with my sister and her family. It was her birthday today.... so we crammed in as much fun as we could  

Don't mention your new washer to Aimee(Destroyer of Worlds and white goods)   


Sorry I'm late to this, Ducky, but have a big  from me.

And  for those that have been there or are nearing that time.


The drum planter is an inspired idea (well done, Velvet!).  

Ducky it's as if it was always how it was meant to be.  WMRD is now WMCMMED (Washing Machine Celebrate My Mum Every Day).

Please tell us what you decide to plant and a piccy when it flowers too perhaps?



Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:


The drum planter is an inspired idea (well done, Velvet!).  

Ducky it's as if it was always how it was meant to be.  WMRD is now WMCMMED (Washing Machine Celebrate My Mum Every Day).

Please tell us what you decide to plant and a piccy when it flowers too perhaps?




You know, it really is! When I was ordering my new machine this morning, I accidentally chose the recycling your old machine option....and once again the order wouldn't go through. I tried again, remembered not to chose that option, and it went through just fine. Spooky  


Anyway, yeah, I'll post pics when the time comes. I'll chose plants/flowers that remind me of my mum. She couldn't pass a garden centre without popping in and buying something new, so I shall lot to choose from  

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:


The drum planter is an inspired idea (well done, Velvet!).  

Ducky it's as if it was always how it was meant to be.  WMRD is now WMCMMED (Washing Machine Celebrate My Mum Every Day).

Please tell us what you decide to plant and a piccy when it flowers too perhaps?




You know, it really is! When I was ordering my new machine this morning, I accidentally chose the recycling your old machine option....and once again the order wouldn't go through. I tried again, remembered not to chose that option, and it went through just fine. Spooky  


Anyway, yeah, I'll post pics when the time comes. I'll chose plants/flowers that remind me of my mum. She couldn't pass a garden centre without popping in and buying something new, so I shall lot to choose from  


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