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Such a barbaric activity.

Wearing fancy dress adds insult to injury.
I have no time for Rodeos either. There are some very nasty and cruel practices that
go on in rodeos.
What sort of skills are these activities intended to show?
If you see horses bucking, you will also invariably see heavy straps round their quarters squeezing their genitals. I gather electronic equipment is frequently used as well.
I agree crunchy,this is barbaric! The bulls are basically teased,for want of a better word,They are "bled" by so called picadors etc.Stabbed  with spears etc to weaken them (blood loss),then after the poor beasts are so weak the brave matator will then srut  his stuff etc and stab them with a sword..Bastards!

I do love the bulls getting the horn right up them etc(matadors etc),I couldn't give a shit about the so called humans getting injured or dying..serves the feckers right!
so agree, aninals are innocent and have no choose, yet people refer to bad people as animals! I have 8 dogs and two cats and they are all wonderful friends and make me laugh every day, besides being devoted, (in return for being well looked after lol! I do have to clean up their sh*t from out side but they don't do it all over you like people do (metorphorically speaking that is!!)
When it comes to animals, birds, fish and insects I am a pacifist. If even if a fly is buzzing around my house, I will open a window to let it out rather than swat it. So when it comes to bullfighting, I find it the vilest possible and I cannot watch it.

The British Board of Film Certificators (used to be Censors) have a very simple policy on aniaml cruelty. They will ban it regardless of what certificate it might have been. Their official guidance is as follows:
The Cinematograph Films (Animals) Act 1937
It is illegal to show any scene ‘organised or directed’ for the
purposes of the film that involves actual cruelty to animals. This Act
applies to the exhibition of films in public cinemas but the BBFC also
applies the same test to video works. For the purposes of this legislation
and The Animal Welfare Act 2006, only vertebrates which are domesticated
or otherwise under the control of man are defined as ‘animals’.
The Animal Welfare Act 2006
It is illegal to supply, publish or show or possess with intent to supply a
video recording of an ‘animal fight’ that has taken place within Great
Britain since 6 April 2007.

The BBFC's bext known ban is Monte Hellman's Cockfighter made in 1974 and has a pemanent ban. This is probably the only mainstream film to be banned in this way and good for the BBFC.
El Loro
I can't even read most of this thread cos I hate it so much.  All blood sports.

But I agree..  whenever I hear of a matador getting injured or killed I have no sympathy.  I just think its a shame that the bull didn't really win.. its not like they are going to let it celebrate its victory by going off to live a long happy life in peace somewhere is it.

I was in bits last night watching Countryfile (husband watches it, I hasten to add...  its not my preferred viewing)...   they were reporting on the badger cull that is set for next (or it might be this) week in Pembrokeshire.   Its cos the farmers think the badgers are responsible for the spread of bovine TB... but whenever I have heard this it annoyed me cos they could actually vaccinate their livestock.

They featured a woman who owned a farm in Pembrokeshire... she had cattle too.  She showed us the badger sets...  one of them had leaves in the entrance indicating a female with a litter...  in total about 30 badgers living there... and she was in tears saying they would all be dead by next week (& that she would be able to hear them scream from her house).

She confirmed what I thought about vaccinating cattle.. & not only is it the right way morally to go about protecting livestock from TB... it would appear its actually the more effective & cheaper way of doing it.

It ain't gonna save the badgers from this coming cull though!  
Badgers are beautiful and I remember the Rupert Bear stories from my childhood - his best friend was Bill Badger.
Trouble is when they wander by and dig up your lawn in the middle of the night, they are mini JCB's.  I was thrilled when I saw a badger here the first time but the novelty of filling in the holes does wear pretty thin.
I know of a vid showing a bullfighter being killed - its shocking and i feel terrible for any death but . . . it was payback time Sorry don't think its appropriate to post lin
Please do. You could warn people that if they watch it, you take no responsibility for causing spewing.

I don't usually like watching people being killed, but because so many bulls get savagely murdered by these so called 'sports men', it's sweet to see the bull getting its own back for all those bulls that have been killed for nothing over the years.
Crunchy  Nuts
When I was a teenager I read a souvenir postcard collection that my parents had brought back from Spain.  In there I was horrified to read about those brave toreadors.  The bull is weakened and brought virtually to a stage where he cannot fight back by the picadors with sharpened instruments (can't remember the name of them and don't want to).  Then and only then does the brave toreador enter the ring, and there are numerous places he can escape from the bull as he charges.  Far from being brave they are just cowards dressed in fancy suits.  I have never understood how anyone can sit and watch it.

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