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What has Josie done?...
She was talking to Dave about her size, Dave asked her or suggested if she was a size 14. She said no 16 and then after a pause said "I may be an 18 now". Dave was realy good with her, first he thought she was 14 he said "my wife is 14 and she is ok" when she went up to 18 he told her to join him and camel for workout.

She then went to sit with Camel and told her Dave is telling her she is a size 18, she was having a fit. Then JJ asked her what was up she told him the same.

Once she had stired the pot she did what she does best goes back to the person concern and tells them, "I am upset with you, you said XY or have I got my period and have blown it all out of proportion". She is playing a good game, if she win we deserve her.

I dislike Dave with a passion, but in this case I did not hear him say anything about her wieght that would upset her. The woman is a nut job just like her toy boy.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Diamond in her defence he said 18 she said no 16,I watched it yesterday and actually posted about it here today...He said about her getting down to a 14,his wife is a 14 blah blah blah....The night before when Steve was lifting them all effortlessly he asked Josie what weight she was and she just walked away....Both were insensitive imo as she does seem to be insecure and more so since the new HM's came in.
Diamond in her defence he said 18 she said no 16,I watched it yesterday and actually posted about it here today...He said about her getting down to a 14,his wife is a 14 blah blah blah....The night before when Steve was lifting them all effortlessly he asked Josie what weight she was and she just walked away....Both were insensitive imo as she does seem to be insecure and more so since the new HM's came in.

Spot on. Dave mentioned size 18 - bliddy eejet

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