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The Lib Dems have lost virtually all their credibility by chucking their lot in with the Tories although tbf they were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. At the next election I can see them being wiped out politically while the Tories will escape with just a few losses.

As for Vince Cable: He is the MP for a lot of my family in Twickenham and I have to say that he has always been a really excellent constituency MP; fair, approachable and helpful. I have seen him a few times with family members and he is the best MP I've dealt with.
Shame he's being so compromised now
Before the last General Election, he was the darling of politics.  Now he's being bashed around like all Government MPs do and he doesn't like it at all.  Some parties are just better off staying in opposition, dreaming up unrealistic spending plans and crazy promises.  Lib Dems are not fit to govern.

The harsh reality of life under the microscope doesn't suit him.

That said, he and the current government are still better than the Labour Party.
I agree with John Denham when he said Vince Cable keeping his job, is to keep the sagging tent of this Tory led Government upright.
Looks like Cameron and Co had to keep  Cable ,this lame duck ,who is still in charge but removed from one of the most important decisions in the Department.
Cultural Secretary Jeremy Hunt will now  be in charge of ruling on the News Corp bid .
The situation is farcical.
That said, he and the current government are still better than the Labour Party.

I'll wager those that can't afford to keep their homes, those hundreds of thousands being made redundant, those poorest in society that can't afford to heat their homes and those that now will not be able to go to University wouldn't agree with you. The sooner people get their head around that whoever had been in power the GLOBAL crash would still have happened the sooner the better. 
The governments policies don't even make any sense , too much too soon, and to be honest Cable's only saying what most of the other LibDems think, only not one of them have the courage of their convictions to walk away and gain some respect back.

I agree with John Denham when he said Vince Cable keeping his job, is to keep the sagging tent of this Tory led Government upright.
Looks like Cameron and Co had to keep  Cable ,this lame duck ,who is still in charge but removed from one of the most important decisions in the Department.
Cultural Secretary Jeremy Hunt will now  be in charge of ruling on the News Corp bid .
The situation is farcical.

Totally agree erinp,

Jeremy Hunt has an ideological axe to grind against the BBC so is the ideal candidate to allow Murdoch's acquisition of Sky shares to go through with Tory blessing. 

As you say, Cable is now a lame duck and probably to be replaced by arch yellow Tory, David Laws at some point. It is a farce that he's still business secretary - but a neutered business secretary - in the pockets of Cameron and Clegg.  If he had any political dignity he'd be handing his resignation in tonight.
Is the love affair collapsing 


A string of Liberal Democrat ministers have privately voiced unease about coalition Government policies on welfare reform and university tuition fees in recordings made by undercover reporters posing as constituents, it has been disclosed.

Scottish Secretary Michael Moore said that cutting Child Benefit for higher-rate taxpayers was "blatantly not a consistent and fair thing to do", while Business Minister Ed Davey said he was "gobsmacked" by the decision, and Pensions Minister Steve Webb said he had written to Chancellor George Osborne seeking changes to the policy because "the details aren't right", reported the Daily Telegraph.

The ministers' comments were published a day after the Telegraph reported that Business Secretary Vince Cable had said he could bring the Government down by using the "nuclear option" of resigning if Conservative colleagues pushed him too hard.

Mr Cable was later stripped of some of his ministerial responsibilities after it was disclosed that he had told the same undercover reporter that he had "declared war" on Rupert Murdoch over the media tycoon's bid to secure full ownership of BSkyB.

The Telegraph reported that other Lib Dem ministers had privately expressed reservations about coalition policies which they had defended in public.

Berwickshire MP Mr Moore described the increase in tuition fees to a maximum ÂĢ9,000 as "the biggest, ugliest, most horrific thing in all of this... a car crash, a train wreck", said the paper.

And he told the undercover reporters: "I signed a pledge that promised not to do this. I've just done the worst crime a politician can commit, the reason most folk distrust us as a breed. I've had to break a pledge and very, very publicly."

Mr Moore said the move was "deeply damaging" to Lib Dems, who had promised to abolish fees, but added: "What we've all had to weigh up is the greater sense of what the Coalition is about."

Mr Webb, the MP for Northavon, expressed "worries" about the Child Benefit cut which will hit couples where one partner earns just over the ÂĢ42,000 higher-rate threshold but not those with two partners earning just below that level. "I have written to the Treasury about this and, to be honest, the answer I got back wasn't good enough," he said.

Mr Davey, the MP for Kingston and Surbiton, said that plans to limit Housing Benefit would hit some of the poorest in society. "Their housing benefit cuts are going to mean in my view, if they go through, that some people who are on the breadline will be put below the breadline. And that's just deeply unacceptable," he said.

Ref: Panto dame

I'll wager those that can't afford to keep their homes, those hundreds of thousands being made redundant, those poorest in society that can't afford to heat their homes and those that now will not be able to go to University wouldn't agree with you. The sooner people get their head around that whoever had been in power the GLOBAL crash would still have happened the sooner the better. 
The governments policies don't even make any sense , too much too soon, and to be honest Cable's only saying what most of the other LibDems think, only not one of them have the courage of their convictions to walk away and gain some respect back.

Good post
I see it this way, I rather see the country in a debt than see my family at risk of losing their jobs, rise in tuition fees and a rise in VAT. IMO... Conservatives are class A stuck up cnuts.

Their whole attitude stinks of 'as long as I'm alright, Jack'. No attempt to work with the GBP whatsoever. And as for the peasants earning under 50k a year, they wouldn't even close enough to Cameron to embrace the stench of his coffee halitosis.
Like all politicians he has a public persona - he let his guard down and told it as it was. He has been caught out. 

Why can't they simply be honest in the first place? Too many Lib Dems were willing to jump into bed with the Tories for a taste of power. Where are their principles? Did they actually have any in the first place?

This coalition shite is what it is ..................a pile of shite!
Soozy Woo
Why can't they simply be honest in the first place?

I don't think any politician would put the country before themselves tbh... and neither would I, its just like that, sounds selfish but thats the reality of it. I expect being in power an MP will get quite a hefty pay, none of them will be honest because they know if they give their opinion on the matter they will be just like everyone else who isnt an MP, piss poor like some of us.

I heard its around ÂĢ65,000 per annum (I thought it would actually be alot more)...  IMO it shouldnt even be half of that, at least then you know they aint there simply for the money and can't be held to ransom. Its like "Keep your opinion to yourself or your out... and just remember the salary your on". At least if its such a low salary they won't be afraid of giving it up.

Edit: Oona King (A former MP) said she was earning ÂĢ33,000 per annum... which then went up the year after to ÂĢ45,000 and then ÂĢ58,000. I expect its still going up
I don't think any politician would put the country before themselves tbh... and neither would I
Maybe I'm naive but .......................i really would have thought that a politician went into politics to make the world a better place. I'm not saying that I'd expect an MP to put his life before his country but ................I can't accept that they'd always put themselves and 'comforts' first.
Soozy Woo
Maybe I'm naive but .......................i really would have thought that a politician went into politics to make the world a better place. I'm not saying that I'd expect an MP to put his life before his country but ................I can't accept that they'd always put themselves and 'comforts' first.

Thats what they say
I don't follow Politics any more unlike some years ago when I was very commited to being involved locally and nationally, but what puzzles me about this strory is this. If Cable thought he was talking to local constituents why was he talking to them about Murdoch and Sky...surely local constituents want to talk to their MP's about local issues or personal issues that because of Gov't legislation is giving them a hard time. Maybe I'm missing a lot of this story as I stopped reading newspapers but watch news on tv even though that can be biased and edited like everything else.
Yellow Rose

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