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Call me cynical but Davina and Ulrika know each other very well, I am not saying they are bessy mates, but check it out both were at the top of the presenting ladder back in the 90's I'd say thier paths have crossed more than once, they would have moved in the same circles maybe had the same friends...Ulrika to me seems to be going out of her way to be a complete bitch to Makosi...Makosi will do well not to react and just ignore Ulrika...Show her up for the idiot she is.
Davina hates Makosi...So I am so not suprised that Ulrika is getting her bitchy digs in with Makosi...
Senora Reyes
Reference: katty
Leccy,bang on, but sadly I fear Makosi might go with Nadia instead of Ulrika.Makosi is great. Bloody hell they are still banging on about the daft pool stuff with that cretin Hutton.I notice of course as a man he's entirley blameless.
That always riled me. But since she's been in there, Makosi has raised the subject herself more than a couple of times. She says she doesn't want others to talk about it, but it seems like it's all she has to talk about.

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