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Well done Peter, and I hope it goes well.


I don't know if you have looked into the tax aspects of being self employed but if you haven't, I suggest you have a look at the Business Link website at this section.


There's a link there to a guide on tax matters and it is worth reading. One thing you will need to do if you haven't already done so is to register with HMRC as self employed. You need to do this within 3 months of starting otherwise you will get a fine. Details where to register are in that guide.


El Loro
Originally Posted by PeterCat:

To be serious for a mo, if any of you want to refer someone I'll be more than happy to talk to them. My website won't be live till next week, but I'll post the link then if it's allowed (Lori?).


I'm sure we can allow that.


Best of luck to you, Peter! Maybe we can do some group therapy here.


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