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Oh Jaffa cakes, me too, Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmuuuuoooolllaaaaa. Although I'm getting better, I can actually have them in the house now and not eat the whole packet in a day Big Grin

Oh ermm, 2 things

1. Said, "Please try and stop talking"
2. Said, "Really, try and talk in your head instead of out loud"
3. Said, "Seriously, you need to stop talking constantly, I don't need to know you are turning a dial, going to have a drink, smelling something, thinking about watching Nuzzle and Scratch, wanting a bus and liking the pink socks"

That was 3 things, but they are all about the same thing, so I think it will be allowed Big Grin

7 packets of bananas - how big were the bags?

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