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Originally posted by hitchhiker42:
lol i think my sister's top toys is on this week at some point... Big Grin

Big Grin aaaaaargh the temptation!

Did you see at the end of the JM article, it said he was offered one of those dreadful lifestlye shows? It was Location, Location with cars instead of houses - couple give JM their criteria/price so he can find them their "perfect car"... cringeworthy. What were they thinking?

Mind you, JM would completely take the p.... on second thoughts it sounds very funny Devil
Hey hey hey gals! Big Grin So, I haven't been around much as I'm going through a bit of a rubbish time at the moment. Which I'll explain more about when I'm ready to talk about it, I'm just too hurt for such discussions yet Crying I'm ok, just slowly mending my life... Anyway... as such I am now in the 'distraction' mode of the 'getting over it' stage, having moved through the 'don't want to see or speak to anyone' mode and hopefully this means I will be on here more!!

As part of this distraction stage I wne to see Star Trek the other night, it actually blew me away!! I was WELL impressed by it Big Grin

How goes everyhitng else?!
Little Miss Vixen
Thanks my dear Big Grin

Groan, what a day, had the most boring event to run. Just full of academics stroking each others' egos and spouting out social cohesion rubbish... anyway.. enough of that! So now I have freedom back (due to the lifting of study guilt!) I'm going to get into Doll's House! What else is good these days? I feel like me and my television are distant strangers!
Little Miss Vixen
Originally posted by Little Miss Vixen:
Thanks my dear Big Grin

Groan, what a day, had the most boring event to run. Just full of academics stroking each others' egos and spouting out social cohesion rubbish... anyway.. enough of that! So now I have freedom back (due to the lifting of study guilt!) I'm going to get into Doll's House! What else is good these days? I feel like me and my television are distant strangers!

Hi Vixen sorry you're having a tough time in RL Hug We understand sometimes you don't feel likebeing jolly on the forum and just want to think. Then again... glad you're here. You're welcome to come in here and trash the thread if you like Big Grin if its one of those days.

Dunno what types of TV you like? For me, Mad Men is a layered, smart programme, not to mention beautifully designed and directed. Mind you, some people find it quite slow and not to their taste. I agree with Hitch, Dexter is great - really gripping and sort of pleasantly strange! The Wire... just getting into that Big Grin

Wave Hi BB's Big Scam - excellent name that Thumbs Up heh heh. Welcome to the thread...
Originally posted by hitchhiker42:
hi vixen, sorry to hear things aren't so good for you. Frowner when ever, you are ready... we are hear to listen. Nod

by the way rosie? temps? you girls on fb?

v+ is the greatest invention ever. Big Grin

Hi Hitch nah not so keen on FB - was on it briefly but de-registered. It freaked me out a little when people wanted to be my friend before I'd even put any details up! Are you on FB?
Originally posted by hitchhiker42:
james and jezza in the paper today... turned up at a wedding in scotland.

a tg race... jezza was in a train (he was sooty from shovelling coal), james was in a classic car... no idea what richard was in... but he broke down somewhere. Smiler

Thanks for the update Hitch. TG race sounds perfectly cast- Jezza suffering Devil JM the suave gent, RH the helpess one broken down somewhere.
Fankoo rosie for that (you okay? Hugand i am letting you know that James was on with Titchmarsh tonight for 5 mins on Chelsea Flower show.. He is also building a Lego house and a meccanno bridge too for James Top Toys in Dec (yay ;D )
Tomorrow James will get his results... I think it was said that he is docked 30 points for not using flowers!!!, looks good thought and i love the all seasons tree Smiler
Originally posted by hitchhiker42:
tonight? Eeker

by the way... my friend's fiancΓ©e (is that bloke or lassie spelling?) is/was (it was on last night too and i'm not what he has done on it. lol) in the 1066: battle for middle earth.. as far as i know, he may just be mutilated casualty number 4.. but still. Big Grin

Its meant to be quite gory and blood spattered that programme, Big Grin if I do watch it... I'll be like my in avatar.
Hmmm Dexter Big Grin There's another show I have definitely missed watching!!
As soon as I find the time to be in my house longer than 2 mins, I'm catching up!! Nod
He is one hot little serial killer... hmmm Big Grin

So guys, I did my disappearing act again, I'll explain why now... I've just split up with my husband. I'm ok about it now, well I'm getting to be slowly and it was my decision so in theory I should be fine, but I'm a bit devastated that it's come to this... Anyway, I feel like I can talk about it without crying now, so I'm here!
Little Miss Vixen

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