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Haha Cologne Hope you're recovering well and sorry to read about your dog
Thank you velvet.  As you mentioned him I just have to admit to a stupid thing I'm still doing. He was very arthritic so I used to park as close to the curb as I could so he didn't have to raise his legs too high and I noticed tonight after coming back from the coop that I'm still doing it. All this madness will sort itself out sooner or later.
Scotty, how can you remind people of that.  
cologne 1
Cologne, it sounds like you've been through the mill recently.
Thanks yogi, but it's been a bit of a blessing in disgiuse. I have therapists falling over themselves now helping with all sorts of things. There are places that can help me, I never knew existed. Makes me wonder about my quack and why he never steered me in their direction.
cologne 1
Thank you velvet. As you mentioned him I just have to admit to a stupid thing I'm still doing. He was very arthritic so I used to park as close to the curb as I could so he didn't have to raise his legs too high and I noticed tonight after coming back from the coop that I'm still doing it. All this madness will sort itself out sooner or later.
It never goes Cologne......I still keep the crust of my toast for my old dog, she's been gone 19yrs....

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