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One of the best things I've seen Russell do was an Amnesty International gig on telly...he did a whole (serious) thing about Ian Huntley and how disgusting the tabloids are.

It was funny, whilst remaining utterly respectful to the victims, scathing of Huntley and tearing The Scum (I think it was, may have been NOTW) a new arsehole.

That's when he's at his best, that's my fave kind of comedy...when you go "shit, that's how I feel too."
I was quite surprised he became a movie star still.
I've not seen his acting but must admit I am quite jellus that he gets to smooch The Perry. 

I have a dead sad, naff admission to make, I own Russel'ls biography, not his autobiography, not the Booky Wooky... an actual crap biography from one of those shops that sells books for, like, 50p or summat. He had a round face and a quiff as a youth.
It has had it's day for me as far as I am concerned and this is a good time for it to go
I'm in semi-agreement. I think as it is it's tired, predictable, too much influencing with the HL shows, it just smells really off at the mo with all the Nadia/Coolio stuff. I feel kinda cheated and I haven't even spent money voting. BB11 was a washout for me aswell. The whole Josie/John James saga was the focus of the show and IMO eclipsed and possibly suppressed various personalities from coming out too.

The problem is that anyone who went in the house this year was not doing it for the experience, it has become a fast track meal ticket, 5 minutes of fame, a chance to make a few grand and with any luck not too much damage to ones character at the end of it. Anything more than that is a bonus. It just felt quite false and contrived this year. This is why I prefer the celeb one cos as much as they all have an agenda, to me I know a bit about these people, I half know what to expect and I have found it more entertaining overall thus far.

Taking all the above into account though I don't want the show to end. I think it is a format that can still work as it is still a recipe for conversations all over the net, it just needs a fresh pair of eyes to look at it and a fresh production team to tweak things here and there. If Richard Desmond does buy it, it would maybe benefit to conduct some kind of online poll to ask the viewers what they want to see.

This was only supposed to be a quick reply btw, bloody hell I can't half go on
Mathematics offline 1647 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:58 PM I miss Glyn's singing. I miss the Monk's voice. I miss the Jungle Cats' plotting. I miss Rex's trademark smirk. I miss Helen's blonde moments. I miss saying Ahmed's name on a daily basis. I miss Saskia's chesticles. I miss cringing at Craig's fascination with Anthony. I miss that one time Derek saw a little monkey. I miss Marcus' forthrightness. I miss Ziggy.
That was, for me, the highlight of BB.

I guess if I am honest, there will be quite alot I will miss and in a way I am sad to see the end of it.
Demantoid online 11,570 Forum Posts Today at 12:02 PM Last Edited: Reference: If Richard Desmond does buy it, I fear it will be a worse format then it had become. If you think they're tacky wannabes now, under his regime you won't even get to audition unless you've had a boob job and been in an 'adult' film
Oh without a doubt

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