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Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
I have to say, I've always been a bit disappointed in the films comapred with the books. The directors always seem to leave out the bits that I really liked in the book.

A Harry Potter free summer?? With a new film coming out?

lol my ex will be happy he isn't getting dragged along to this one, he always had to put up with two days of me ripping it to pieces and telling him what they missed out, i think the worst for missing stuff was POA, my fav book and least fav film,
*yogi Bear*
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
I actually LIKE the huge amount of time between the books and the movies. That way, I don't get so upset about the stuff they missed. Wink

(So, naturally, I don't go back and re-read the books, because ignorance is bliss, doncha know.)

Welcome to our three broomsticks Lori, have a Butter Beer and make yourself at home Valentine

Hi Lady P too Valentine
Originally posted by Dobby the House Elf:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Professor Snape is merely misunderstood.

Does Butter Beer come in a Lite version? I'm watching my calories....

You'll be lucky I'm still waiting for my chocolate frog!

Here you all go - a feast provided by Dobby. Help yourselves.

Yay chocolate frogs, here Raggy share these with me, they are magic calorie free, proper tasting chocolate

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