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anyone watch it?


I was alerted to this production by  a good freind, It was a brilliant portrayal of Dennis Potter's, work.


I still can't quite get over  the  70's/80's  tv version  showing a  patient  in an NHS hospital lighting  up a fag in bed, and  everyone  thinking that was fine.


how times have changed, what was life  like back then before elf and safety and  the european court of human rights?

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Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

No dirty wards then tho, apart from the ciggies.....
It wasnt correct, but in them days, the Sister had the ward spotless ...swings and roundabouts...

So true Sky,the ward sister and matron ruled the roost,the wards were spotless.

They were, Lee, i was trained under a tyrant, but we knew our place, pity that has gone now...x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

No dirty wards then tho, apart from the ciggies.....
It wasnt correct, but in them days, the Sister had the ward spotless ...swings and roundabouts...

So true Sky,the ward sister and matron ruled the roost,the wards were spotless.

They were, Lee, i was trained under a tyrant, but we knew our place, pity that has gone now...x

A lot of standards seem to have gone to the wayside since it went Sky.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

 Was it the original one, or are you too young to know ?
I watched the original, and very moved by it , and yes people smoked in their beds in hospital, but i think there was more to this programme than that.....



It is the original one sky  - reshowing on BBC4   I remember watching the original too and when I heard the theme tune last night - it was so familiar.    There was so many actors in it too that had me thinking 'I know him/her... what are they in now?!'



The Salmon report in 1966 was the death knell for nursing as was. It recommended that matrons should no longer be necessary and that hygiene, food etc should be taken care of by housekeepers employed by the ward sister - this would release nurses up to do more "important" tasks.


However it took a good few years before matrons were phased out to be replaced by "nursing officers"


As for cleaning, food etc... well Mrs Thatcher introduced the internal market to the NHS and cleaning, catering, linen and portering was sold to the lowest bidder.

The health service nowadays is more open and transparent and poor care is always brought to light - as are dirty hospitals. 

Nursing nowadays is tough - we are not allowed to laugh, we are not even allowed a drink of water on the wards and the public watch our every move.

Most nurses I know nowadays feel like public enemy number one.

Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

The Salmon report in 1966 was the death knell for nursing as was. It recommended that matrons should no longer be necessary and that hygiene, food etc should be taken care of by housekeepers employed by the ward sister - this would release nurses up to do more "important" tasks.


However it took a good few years before matrons were phased out to be replaced by "nursing officers"


As for cleaning, food etc... well Mrs Thatcher introduced the internal market to the NHS and cleaning, catering, linen and portering was sold to the lowest bidder.

The health service nowadays is more open and transparent and poor care is always brought to light - as are dirty hospitals. 

Nursing nowadays is tough - we are not allowed to laugh, we are not even allowed a drink of water on the wards and the public watch our every move.

Most nurses I know nowadays feel like public enemy number one.

Eileen nurses are overworked underpaid and yes unappreciated in some areas.The bureaucrats have a lot to answer for ,they hide in their comfy offices while the nursing staff are in the firing line for the inadequate management by the gits,they turned the NHS into a business venture.


I watched the original and loved it. I liked Pennies from Heaven and Lipstick on my Collar as well.

One of my favourite bits of Singing Detective is when the boy and his mum are on the train and the soldiers start flirting with her. The boy says I'll tell our dad and the man--the man in the woods' I cringed for the mum when I saw that!


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