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I'm probably going to regret this...


Ok.... in honour of brisket, the kindest FM ever to grace these pages... I have a game for you all.


I remember there being a game on here quite a while back, where you had to post something nice about the poster above you.




Erm....*cough*..... I mean the game is .....


You have to post a compliment about the poster BELOW you.


So the trick is to get in there quick when someone posts a gud 'un.


I'll start us off....obviously....





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Can I just say that it's nice to say some positive stuff about the next person, but it's a bit arbitary when you don't know who's on next.


I thought it would spice it up a bit. That way you can't chose who you are complimenting. Brisket was nice to everyone, regardless of who they were......I'm trying to capture that spirit.


Tis an experiment I have to admit

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Can I just say that it's nice to say some positive stuff about the next person, but it's a bit arbitary when you don't know who's on next.



Does it really matter Cologne...brisket was never anything but nice to all the it seems very appropriate  

Ok Dame and Ducky, I stand corrected.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

*takes bait*





The person below me is a right cow! (I think you need to claim that word.... a bit like the Slut Walk thingy )


Mmmm....... and if the next person is not Ditty.....the person below me is very beautiful, inside and out.


(ooops....... I mean, that still stands if it IS Ditty too! )

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

*takes bait*





The person below me is a right cow! (I think you need to claim that word.... a bit like the Slut Walk thingy )


Mmmm....... and if the next person is not Ditty.....the person below me is very beautiful, inside and out.


(ooops....... I mean, that still stands if it IS Ditty too! )

*Wonders whether to post* 


The person below me is a great cook 


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