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not for much longer, daughter should be home in 1/2 hour!  Poor mite, I heard a scream about 4.30 this morning, she came running down and said she had been stung.  I looked at her leg and there was this 'sting' still in her leg and it was pulsating I pulled it out and can only assume it was a bee.  I got stung in the summer for the first time, and it hurt like ****.  We sprayed her room but she was too scared to go back to bed so she ended up in mine
what you been up to today?

i've just been to look for a new carpet for the living room, council are going to be ripping out the old fire soon and they have to rip the floor boards up as well to put a radiator in the living room *not looking forward to the hassle to be honest* god knows what i'm going to do with Aimee's room, they've got to get in there to put a new tank in and a new radiator, so they've got to rip the floor boards up in there as well *good luck to them, is all i can say*  theres so much stuff in there you can't swing a cat and i can't move her furniture into my room or the bathroom as they have got to go in there as well, my head hurts just thinking about it, they will be here from 8am till 5pm for 2 days  on the upside the new fires are nice and i will have a radiator in the living room at last
what you been up to today? i've just been to look for a new carpet for the living room, council are going to be ripping out the old fire soon and they have to rip the floor boards up as well to put a radiator in the living room *not looking forward to the hassle to be honest* god knows what i'm going to do with Aimee's room, they've got to get in there to put a new tank in and a new radiator, so they've got to rip the floor boards up in there as well *good luck to them, is all i can say* theres so much stuff in there you can't swing a cat and i can't move her furniture into my room or the bathroom as they have got to go in there as well, my head hurts just thinking about it, they will be here from 8am till 5pm for 2 days on the upside the new fires are nice and i will have a radiator in the living room at last
Well luck ole you Aimes. We got the council in for 6 WEEKS doing a refub from 13th October onwards
Reference: Fern
What ya packing off somewhere? Bin out & about briefly...sat in the garden for a back indoors now! You off out tonight?..being as it's Friday
We is being refurbished as of 13th October. So trying to sort stuff to be boxed. Boxes all over the place
Its been a little sunny here but its chilly too.

Nope never venture very far these days
I am the stay-at-home type

You going out on the razzle tonight?
Good luck with that Moons!....rather you than me...

Nowt wrong with staying in ...maybe curled up with a young lady...

Not sure if I'm going out...feel like it now...but will probs not...knowing me!
Depends on who phones & asks!...get a few more offers these days!....don't ya just love it when peeps feel sorry for ya.....think they're doing you a favour!

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