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Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by machel:
good morning lc and crew Smiler

my daughter visited yesterday and brought some cat treats for taylor but there is a couple for you and mr tom (she was taylor's human but when she left home to get married she left donated him to me and mr machel

thank you machel - cat treats and it's not even friday yet. yay!!!!

but why didn't your daughter take her cat with her when she got married?

did she marry a man who was a ler jick ??? Eeker

he's not a ler jick but he does have a d o g and taylor hisses, growls and then chases him (the dog, not my s-i-l). Besides this had been taylors home for 3 years and mr machel didn't want him to leave (he is a softy really)
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
noooo bbbs. that is just wrong!!
anyway tlc is black with yellow eyes...


i don't like it at all mrs belle.
how big is it anyway? Eeker

i mean - is it a huge bird or a tiny cat?

i don't know. i am trying not to think about it.

would you like my old sofa in your place? it would be nice next to the fridge. my cats like it and sukey even spent the night in the garage sleeping on it Eeker ? it's just that we don't have room for it anymore and no one seems to want it.
Originally posted by BeerBelle:

would you like my old sofa in your place? it would be nice next to the fridge. my cats like it and sukey even spent the night in the garage sleeping on it Eeker ? it's just that we don't have room for it anymore and no one seems to want it.

oh yes please mrs belle - that would be loverly.
there would be room for me and mr tom together on a sofa. Blush

we could even let bagabones on it too sometimes. Nod

is it a two seater or a three seater?

is it nicely shredded in places?
if not mr tom and i will soon bring it up to scratch. Laugh
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by BeerBelle:

would you like my old sofa in your place? it would be nice next to the fridge. my cats like it and sukey even spent the night in the garage sleeping on it Eeker ? it's just that we don't have room for it anymore and no one seems to want it.

oh yes please mrs belle - that would be loverly.
there would be room for me and mr tom together on a sofa. Blush

we could even let bagabones on it too sometimes. Nod

is it a two seater or a three seater?

is it nicely shredded in places?
if not mr tom and i will soon bring it up to scratch. Laugh

got some scuffing on the front that is perfect for a scratching post, so feel free to get it properly conditioned. it is actually a 2 and a half seater, so plenty of room for all the forum animals to cuddle up. i will see about borrowing a van to get it to you.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:

how big is it anyway? Eeker

i mean - is it a huge bird or a tiny cat?

a tiny cat

With wings. What would YOU do with wings, tlc?

well i'm sure if kfc can do something with them Wink

Ack! Skull
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by The Little Cat:

how big is it anyway? Eeker

i mean - is it a huge bird or a tiny cat?

a tiny cat

With wings. What would YOU do with wings, tlc?

well i'm sure if kfc can do something with them Wink

Ack! Skull

well yes i'm not a fan of kfc either Sick
Originally posted by Bagabones:
Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
New cat on the block. Your chat has given me paws for thought.

Hey, a new pussy! Have you met our little cat yet? Or Mr. Big Tom? Can you sing because if you can little cat may invite you to join the pussy cats for a night on the tiles?

I'm a bit worried about strange new cats. Eeker
i'm hiding behind this nice big sofa that mrs belle sent over until i suss out this new puss cat.

my tail has gone all bottle-brushy again.
i just can't help it.

i know it SAYS it's a friendly feline but it might be trying to lull us into a sense of folls secretuity and then bite us. Eeker

is it a girl cat or a boy cat do you think, bagabones?
perhaps it's just gay like you - but it didn't look very gay and happy. Frowner

oh dear - all the fur is standing up along my back now as well.

i'm not coming out from behind this sofa until mr tom has had a look at this new cat and says it's alright. Shake Head

mr tom is big and brave and he will pretext me. Nod
The Little Cat
Originally posted by machel:
hi lc and crew (i think the crew is growing)
don't hide behind the settee too long it's friday tomorrow and i am hoping to deliver some fish before i go on my break Smiler

i think that new cat has gone away again, machel, so i've come out from behind the sofa now. Ninja

mrs mags says she thinks i'm safe. Nod

*sits waiting for fish*
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
Originally posted by machel:
hi lc and crew (i think the crew is growing)
don't hide behind the settee too long it's friday tomorrow and i am hoping to deliver some fish before i go on my break Smiler

i think that new cat has gone away again, machel, so i've come out from behind the sofa now. Ninja

mrs mags says she thinks i'm safe. Nod

*sits waiting for fish*

You have me worried now LC. I’m sure the new feline must be gay, otherwise he/she wouldn’t want to join such a happy carefree community such as ours. Perhaps if you tell him/her that you are the boss and Big Tom is your felinest friend and not available to share, the new pussy would still be happy to join us? If he/she is fast there may still be room on the new sofa?
it's been a really hot sunny day today.
aunty pet and the big man have been busy in the garden all day and i've been sleeping and resting under a rose bush for most of the time.

it's quite interesting doing that because after a bit the birdies forget i'm there. he he! Laugh

the pesky robin was out looking for worms and he hopped really close without noticing me because i kept very still - but i just couldn't help my tail swishing. Shake Head

tails seem to have a mind of their own when birds are about. Confused

he still didn't notice it though because he was busy following the big man's spade to see if he turned up a juicy worm, but unfortunately there was a blackbird around as well and he saw my tail and made this loud chattering noise to warn the robin and any other birds that there was a fierce and dangerous cat about.

(that's me! Nod)

the robin looked a bit scared and flew off sharpish.

i felt quite proud of myself somehow.

thank you for the lovely things marguerita. and hello to everyone else. i'm going to eat some of this kassa roll and then have a little sleep on this nice sofa mrs belle sent me.
i wonder where mr tom is......
The Little Cat
Originally posted by The Little Cat:
it's been a really hot sunny day today.
aunty pet and the big man have been busy in the garden all day and i've been sleeping and resting under a rose bush for most of the time.

it's quite interesting doing that because after a bit the birdies forget i'm there. he he! Laugh

the pesky robin was out looking for worms and he hopped really close without noticing me because i kept very still - but i just couldn't help my tail swishing. Shake Head

tails seem to have a mind of their own when birds are about. Confused

he still didn't notice it though because he was busy following the big man's spade to see if he turned up a juicy worm, but unfortunately there was a blackbird around as well and he saw my tail and made this loud chattering noise to warn the robin and any other birds that there was a fierce and dangerous cat about.

(that's me! Nod)

the robin looked a bit scared and flew off sharpish.

i felt quite proud of myself somehow.

thank you for the lovely things marguerita. and hello to everyone else. i'm going to eat some of this kassa roll and then have a little sleep on this nice sofa mrs belle sent me.
i wonder where mr tom is......

Being such a gentleman cat, he could be showing the new friendly feline around the site. That would be a very nice welcoming gesture. A tom cat needs a bit of male bonding now and then. If the new feline is male. Chances are, the new feline is happy carefree and gay like the rest of us.
Originally posted by Bagabones:

Being such a gentleman cat, he could be showing the new friendly feline around the site. That would be a very nice welcoming gesture. A tom cat needs a bit of male bonding now and then. If the new feline is male. Chances are, the new feline is happy carefree and gay like the rest of us.

i wish you would stop talking about a new cat, bagabones. Frowner

there is no new cat. Shake Head

if you go and look at the friendly feline's post you will see that it only ever did that one post.

i know you are only a d.o.g. and don't really understand these things, but it doesn't mean only one post on this thread, it means that friendly feline only did that one post ....... anywhere.

so mr tom isn't bonding with F.F. because F.F. has never been on the forum again.

see? Roll Eyes
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Big Tom Cat:
I only bond with LC Blush

I have been running aorund making sure my yuman has been OK this weekeend. He was in the garden and burnt the sun Confused
It must have angered the sun because it made him go all red and say Ouch a lot.
I have been rubbing his legs to make him feel better Nod

I'm sure that makes him feel much better. Smiler
Originally posted by BeerBelle:
you're quiet these days tlc. we'd love to hear more of your diary. well, i would anyway i am SO BORED At home all day. i want to go back to work and send the baby back to the baby shop, but apparently they don't do refunds.

it has been an enforced quiet mrs belle.
a few days ago we had a dreadful storm with thunder like a million d.o.g.s growling at each other and these crashes and flashes in the sky so that i thought it was gay forks night again.

but then it started to rain so fast it all bounced up again and there were were floods of water. and a it went on and on and then a big spout of water came up out of the road outside aunty pet's house and she said none of the telling fones would work and the hinter nett would only work when it felt like it - and then only very slowly.
so i've not been able to post very much. Frowner

some big men came and dug a big hole in the road but that didn't make the telling fone's work but it was a lovely hole with a lot of water in it and i kept going to inspect it but aunty pet said i might fall in. Roll Eyes

then another man came today and looked under the floorboards in aunty pet's house - and that was fun too.
i went in the hole under the floorboards to see if i could find anything interesting but all i found was a lot of spiders.
when i came out i had dirt and cobwebs all stuck to my whiskers - but it was fun.
and anyway the telling phone man got the things going again and now i can post things properly again. Nod

i'm sorry you are bored mrs belle. you wouldn't be bored if you had a nice big hole full of water outside your house that you could keep going and looking at.

can't you tell the baby shop that the one you've got is faulty or something and ask for your money back? say you don't like the noise it makes.

or, better still, try to find it a good home. that what usually happens to our kittens.
us cats never have to look after our kittens for very long.
about 8 weeks usually and then they go off to be looked after by someone else.
your yuman kitten is over 8 weeks old isn't it mrs. belle?
time it went to it's new home then. Nod
The Little Cat
Originally posted by Friendly Feline:
Listen, yous guys. Just cos a cat don't post for a few days don't mean nothin'. Like, it means I been out on the razz, know what I mean? The old fluffy tail and yowling thing. Anyways, good t'meet youse and if youse is a cat what likes a good time when it ain't raining, which to tell the truth ain't too often, youse call me, y'hear?

Eeker Eeker Eeker

mr tom!!!! mr tom!!!!

that strange cat is back.!!!! Eeker

*hides behind sofa again*
The Little Cat

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