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One Christmas my dad asked me what my boys wanted for Christmas I gave him the codes for Argos. He caught the bus to Argos & paid for his items, the first item arrived on the counter, when my Dad seen the size of it a β€˜huge rocking horse’ he told the assistant he’d come back later to collect the 2nd item. He couldn’t fit the rocking horse on the bus, so he walked back from East Ham to Plaistow swearing all the way.
Dumped the rocking horse indoors then repeated the journey back to East Ham. When he asked for his 2nd item the assistant handed him a Gameboy which he put in his pocket. Then he exploded.

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The older they get... the more comedy moments my parents seem to have!

One of the funniest was my Nana when we were kids. We were on some roadtrip somewhere... Mum & Dad in the front... me, my brother & my Nan in the back.

We stopped at the services and my Nana splintered off on her own to look at some dodgy ornaments or something.... my Dad told her we'd meet her back in the car.

We saw her trundling back over the car park... looking chuffed to bits with whatever toot she had bought from the shop.... she was so chuffed that she wasn't paying attention...

we sat there open mouthed as we watched her get into the back of the car in front of us... she even closed the door. Oh god, we laughed. A few seconds later she got out of their car and red faced hurried and got into ours.

We laughed so much (she was not amused at first).... apparently the car she had got into contained an asian family of five, who spoke not alot of English... there had been an awkward few seconds of them and my nana staring at each other before she made her apologies and fled.
Laugh Laugh Dirty that's so funny.

I'll have to have a think about funny things my oldies have done!

But here's a child story that's literally just happened. I'm sat on the sofa feeling sorry for myself with cramps, my 12 year old son sat next to me and asked what's the matter, I said 'tummy cramps' he said 'I've been having them all day, we must have the same thing' so I asked him when he had started his periods! He cringed a LOT then got up and walked out muttering.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
The older they get... the more comedy moments my parents seem to have!

One of the funniest was my Nana when we were kids. We were on some roadtrip somewhere... Mum & Dad in the front... me, my brother & my Nan in the back.

We stopped at the services and my Nana splintered off on her own to look at some dodgy ornaments or something.... my Dad told her we'd meet her back in the car.

We saw her trundling back over the car park... looking chuffed to bits with whatever toot she had bought from the shop.... she was so chuffed that she wasn't paying attention...

we sat there open mouthed as we watched her get into the back of the car in front of us... she even closed the door. Oh god, we laughed. A few seconds later she got out of their car and red faced hurried and got into ours.

We laughed so much (she was not amused at first).... apparently the car she had got into contained an asian family of five, who spoke not alot of English... there had been an awkward few seconds of them and my nana staring at each other before she made her apologies and fled.

Laugh pmsl

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