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Cat vs Alligator

TAKING on a ferocious, snapping alligator when you are a teeny, tiny moggy doesn't seem a good idea.

But this brave cat decided he wasn't going to let the mean gator gets his way.

Horrified tourists were convinced the feline was going to end up as a gator snack when he decided to square up to the fearsome creature.

Weighing in at around 250 plus kgs the alligator, with five claws on each foot, was more than a match for the 5kg moggy.

Alligators also have the strongest bite of any living animal measured at up to 9,452 newtons.

Onlookers at the alligator park in Louisiana screamed out 'get away pussy!' as the cat padded up to its foe.

One woman shouted: "Oh my god he's going to end up as cat food, oh my god I can't watch!"

But the tourists' shrieks turned to screams of laughter as with one strike of its paw the cat sent the alligator packing.

One onlooker exclaimed: "That's unbelievable the alligator is scared of the cat!"

Then when the gator comes back for more the cat calmly stares it out before giving it a quick one, two with its paws.

The humiliated alligator then slithers off into a pond to gather back up in the form of another gator.


The man filming the fearsome stand off shouts: "Oh no, the cat's had it now."

But the fearless moggy stands his ground and gives the gator another sound smack on the nose.

At this point both gators hurry back to the pond while the cat stands triumphant on the bank.

An alligator's diet in the wild consists of birds and small mammals. Adult alligators have also been known to even eat a sheep, or a cow.

In areas where alligators live in America experts advise householders to keep pets away from their habitat as they are known to attack and kill them.

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Reference Satsoomawoo Today at 16:57:
I bet the alligator has his jaws wired shut - surely he'd have just snapped him up otherwise wouldn't he? He doesn't even open his mouth - sorry I'm just an old sceptic. You can see someone's legs very close by - would anyone really get that close if there was something to fear?
The aligator at the very beginning has its mouth open. Also, the one who gets hit by the cat has its mouth open at the time (you may have to look closely to tell though, as its lower mouth and the ground are practically the same colour in the video).

As for the bloke standing so close: we're in "conspiracy or stupidity?" territory here, and I personally vote for "stupidity". My favourite comment for this clip on YouTube is the following:
"[...] THE CAT SAVED HIS ASS!!! I live in south Florida and when we see alligators WE GET THE F*** OUT OF THERE!!!"
Eugene's Lair

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