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I predict that the final few weeks will consist of a house containing Steve, Ife, Nathan, Mario and Ben.

Can you imagine how boring that will be? I don't necessarily think Ben is that boring, but if he's around those housemates he will be.

We got a glimpse into the future last night when during the highlights we seen Mario and Ben playing word association in the garden. That's what it will be like permanently if the public don't wise up and take opportunities to vote out the bores.

I see it year after year, but the public never learn. It starts off good, entertaining, things going on in the house, then the public with stupid decisions go taking out good housemates early, weakening the series dramatically. The funny thing is, the public then start complaining at the end about how boring it's got, not realising that it's their own stupid faults.

Last night Mario should have been taken out. Govan is boring too, but lets face it we'd have had plenty more opportunities to vote him out. Now the public haven't taken this golden opportunity to eliminate Mario, he'll now probably sale through to the final week along with Ife, Steve and Nathan.

I know i complain about this same thing every year, but I really do wish that just for the last series, the public THINK properly about their voting. The only other way is making it vote to save rather than vote to evict. This way I think more bores would go if they happen to be up.

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Well I thought very carefully about my voting - and I voted for Govan to go.
I don't find Ben or Mario boring in the slightest degree. I think they are both very good housemates.
It's all a matter of personal taste I suppose and very subjective.
The ones I find most boring and tedious are the ones who throw the same sort of tantrum day after day.
I hope Mario and Ben are still there at the end.
Darling Lurpak - I can soooooo relate!

I say Dave (God Bothering Idiot) needs to go next!  Yes, Ben is a penis, but he does add a bit of comedy value, just about every time he opens his gob!

Am yet rather unsure about Nathan.  His manning of the hobs was a stroke of genius, but I ain't' gonna keep him in there JUST for his ability to cook!

Dave out next please.  The rest of the nasties will keep, for now
Well I thought very carefully about my voting - and I voted for Govan to go. I don't find Ben or Mario boring in the slightest degree. I think they are both very good housemates. It's all a matter of personal taste I suppose and very subjective. The ones I find most boring and tedious are the ones who throw the same sort of tantrum day after day. I hope Mario and Ben are still there at the end.

Hi Brisket.
I am all over the place with Ben TBH. I was very anti him last week and I still wouldn'y say he is my favourite person. BUT he is interesting and I truly do believe he is not the best at judging other people and seems to have no idea of the inappropriate. By that I mean he says what he thinks  and in his head it sounds like one thing but of course comes out in a different way altogether and then he upsets people.
I would like to see him stay a bit longer - if no other reason than to pee Shabby and Keeva off,
I think this is a great BB.
Oh so do I! and I didn't like Govan, think he's boring, but there'd have been plenty more opportunities to get him out. I think last night was the one and only opportunity to remove Mario but we haven't taken it.

Yeah I think this is a great BB, but the people that are making it great aren't going to stay around for long unfortunately. The ones who'll stay in are the ones who are boring and don't offer much to the house....
Steve - nice guy but boring to watch. 
Nathan - he cooks, but he doesn't do anything else.
Mario - was entertaining when he was the mole, since then he's just dull.
Ife - have hardly noticed her to be honest.
Dave - Boring

Apart from Dave, none of these housemates are going to be nominated on a regular basis, so when we get a golden chance like we did with Mario last night, we should take the opportunity to evict them. Otherwise we're going to end up with the above people in the final and it will be like watching paint dry.
Crunchy  Nuts
Well I thought very carefully about my voting - and I voted for Govan to go. I don't find Ben or Mario boring in the slightest degree. I think they are both very good housemates. It's all a matter of personal taste I suppose and very subjective. The ones I find most boring and tedious are the ones who throw the same sort of tantrum day after day. 
I agree Brisket.  Boring is listening to Shabby scream and  she and Caoihme whinge about anything and everything!
I didn't like Govan, think he's boring, but there'd have been plenty more opportunities to get him out. I think last night was the one and only opportunity to remove Mario but we haven't taken it. Zactly!!!!!  We could so easily have shown him the door, a few weeks in, but now, Mario the clinker on the butt of Ben, gets to stay!   GRRRRRRR!  I couldn't STAND the little prick, BUT Mario should have gone IMO.  Boring little apologist shit!   Annoys the hell outta me, when he defends every single stupid utterance that leaves the gob of his Adonis - that twat Ben!  Meh - get a bloody room!

Sarnge. What a strange way to express a difference of opinion. And please don't call my opinions "WHACK" (whatever that means)
Why has it peed you off if you don't know what it means anyway?  Pfffffffffffffffffffft!  You lot really are a buncha nutters.  You think you speak sense, when all you really do is talk a load of bullshine!

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