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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Baz:

The Welsh guy is very weird

What the heck are his over plucked over dyed eyebrows all about? 

 I know Cinds... whoever told him that was a good look needs shaking!

Oh gawd did I ever tell you all about the night the Mr & I were out in the town and some girl asked me how her eyebrows looked?


If I did, I'm telling you again now.  If I didn't here goes.


So Mr C & I were out on the town one night, and it had been a doozey of a night out, so we were in this late bar & I had gone to the loo. When I was washing my hands there was a massive group of girls in & one of them said to me 'My mate plucked my eyebrows and I think they look stupid, what do you think?"


She asked me so I answered.  "Well yeah they do look a bit ridiculous but don't worry they'll grow back & if I were you I wouldn't let her near them again".  A reasonable answer in my vodka addled mind.  


Well let's just say her mates thought otherwise and started giving me gobshyte.  I ended up walking away laughing, saying 'look she asked me, I answered'.


So I go back to Mr C, and tell him what happened.  A minute later this group of girls emerge from the bathroom and pretty much surround us.  Mr C says to me, lets go before this kicks off, so we stood up to walk out, him holding my hand infront of me.  One of the girls turns and punches him then they all ran off.  


Poor Mr C was all 'how come I get the punch when it was you that said it?'


I still chuckle a little bit about it.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Baz:

The Welsh guy is very weird

What the heck are his over plucked over dyed eyebrows all about? 

 I know Cinds... whoever told him that was a good look needs shaking!

Oh gawd did I ever tell you all about the night the Mr & I were out in the town and some girl asked me how her eyebrows looked?


If I did, I'm telling you again now.  If I didn't here goes.


So Mr C & I were out on the town one night, and it had been a doozey of a night out, so we were in this late bar & I had gone to the loo. When I was washing my hands there was a massive group of girls in & one of them said to me 'My mate plucked my eyebrows and I think they look stupid, what do you think?"


She asked me so I answered.  "Well yeah they do look a bit ridiculous but don't worry they'll grow back & if I were you I wouldn't let her near them again".  A reasonable answer in my vodka addled mind.  


Well let's just say her mates thought otherwise and started giving me gobshyte.  I ended up walking away laughing, saying 'look she asked me, I answered'.


So I go back to Mr C, and tell him what happened.  A minute later this group of girls emerge from the bathroom and pretty much surround us.  Mr C says to me, lets go before this kicks off, so we stood up to walk out, him holding my hand infront of me.  One of the girls turns and punches him then they all ran off.  


Poor Mr C was all 'how come I get the punch when it was you that said it?'


I still chuckle a little bit about it.

 Good grief Cinds.........awww poor Mr Cinds though


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