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Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I honestly dont think they could have been serious. They could NOT have picked a worse outfit if they had tried. I think they thought they were being 'funny' a bit of an in joke between the two to wear the worst possible outfit and hat.


I think she was serious ............which makes it more funny.


I wonder if she sees herself as some sort of rebellious Peaches Geldof of royalty?


Y'know, think they're cool but they're not!



Now this soldiery person here typifies British reserve... he has probably just seen this for the first time yet he isn't ROFL!


Baby Bunny
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I agree about that thinking they are cool the whole peaches thing But i dont think they actually thought they looked 'cool' i think it was more a bit of mockery.

What, as in they were taking the pee out of the occasion?


I can't believe they would have got those hideous designs past whoever was style-policing the event!


I think the same designer (Treacy or summat?) designed a lot of the hats. Maybe she had an off day when designing theirs?

Baby Bunny
Last edited by Baby Bunny
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I dont think they actually thought they looked 'cool' i think it was more a bit of mockery.

Mocking who?, themselves?, or the occasion?...xx

I think the occasion,   maybe a bit like 'god they will all have hideous  hats , i bet we can do worse'. thats the impression i get anyway. The more i look at it the more im sure, i mean the neckline on the beige one is just 'granny' WHY would any young girl choose that. and then i noticed the horrible blue florral fabric on the bodice of the other one, its just mental, it HAS to be a piss take.


Makes me not like them


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