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Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:

Am I allowed to say I find her arm a bit distracting .....I’m looking at where that is rather than at her feet  

I know what you mean

I think it may cause problems in some other dances but AJ did a great job of choreographing around any issues in this dance

Yes, I’m sure as time goes by I will forget about it ...I just find the holds facinating at the moment .....but she danced beautifully .

Kaytee posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:
Kaytee posted:
Videostar posted:

TBF Katya is should I put this....very grabbable. 

I'm waiting for the new male dancer....he's very grabbable too😂


 I think there’s a queue

I'm in front and staying there by hook or by skulduggery 



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