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This seems a strange case to me.

1.  The SA police released the body within a couple of days for burial - compared to this country this appears to be rather quick, was a thorough post mortem done?

2. The trial of the taxi driver has already begun - again this seems rather hasty.

3. Hiring of Max Clifford as a spokesman for the husband.

What are your thoughts ?
Tags: Hiring of Max Clifford, African, Honeymoon, South

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I'm not sure what to make of it - yes it has been very quick - then again that's compared to this country where things are incredibly slow.

Not sure about the Max Clifford malrkey ............if the guy is being stitched up (which I believe he is) don't know why just do then maybe rather than simply get quietly sentenced and forgotten about he's gone for the option of drawing maximum attention in the hope of getting a fighting chance. (does that make sense?)
Soozy Woo
AM I'm not sure what to make of it - yes it has been very quick - then again that's compared to this country where things are incredibly slow. Not sure about the Max Clifford malrkey ............if the guy is being stitched up (which I believe he is) don't know why just do then maybe rather than simply get quietly sentenced and forgotten about he's gone for the option of drawing maximum attention in the hope of getting a fighting chance. (does that make sense?)
Even if the husband is being stitched up the speed of the conviction is disturbing.  The SA police surely haven't had time in the last 25 days to perform examination of mobile phone records, suspects movements, forensic analysis of crime scene etc for this to be considered a safe conviction.
Smarting Buttocks
Reference:  Panto_Dame_Iva_Cracker
 I though from day one there was something extremely dodgy about the whole thing, I'm not sure about the hubby, but lots of things just don't add up.
Me too.  Especially as the husband of the victim told police he was forced out of the taxi but appeared to have few injuries.  If the robbers were serious surely they would not have wanted to have any witnesses available to go to the police.
Smarting Buttocks
Well it came as no surprise when the husband was made me think of the policewoman (forget her name) in West London who it turned out was killed and it turne dout her husband had ordered it...and just cos the wheels move quicker there than her doesn't make it dodgy...they probably don't have to deal with the inordinate amount of red tape we do here.
Reference:Crocking Around the Christmas Tre
 Well it came as no surprise when the husband was made me think of the policewoman (forget her name) in West London who it turned out was killed and it turne dout her husband had ordered it...and just cos the wheels move quicker there than her doesn't make it dodgy...they probably don't have to deal with the inordinate amount of red tape we do here.

It was Nisha Patel-Nasri.  I thought this was dodgy right from the beginning as he chose to spend his wedding anniversary playing snooker.
Smarting Buttocks
I must admit I find it all a bit dodgy.  There's reports in some of the papers that are saying the husband's care homes are bust and that he's about to declare himself bankrupt???  Dunno if there's any truth in that but it could potentially give him motive to have had her killed.  That all depends on whether he had a life insurance policy on her - something allegedly he's denied having. 

I wonder if we'll ever know the truth?

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