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We are women not worthy of men.   Thank goodness there's no Gin around here.
This will make you roar....

I was at the old house the other day cos it has been sold and we need to pack it up....

Anyway I had been there half an hour and no drink was offered ( coffee or something) so I said " do you mind if I make myself a drink?"

"No" he says.... " and while you're there can you make me one..."

Although I think I'd let him wear it rather than drink it..

Right, I'm off to my boudoir to get my much needed beauty sleep.
Of course, I shall arise an hour before my husband tomorrow just so that I can put on a full face of make-up, attire myself in something suitable to wave him off to work in after having cooked him a full English breakfast.  And ironed his morning newspaper.

Nighty night.

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