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I hope so since she didn't walk
I'm still a little confused - very little was said on Friday night other than she isn't returning.

Do we have an official term for Keeley's departure? Also, perhaps there are some legel issues involving compensation - BB didn't appear to act quickly enough imo - and the footage could be quite damning. Even if it didn't look serious at the time it was an accident and they should have intervened immediately.
Cold Sweat
Do we have an official term for Keeley's departure? Also, perhaps there are some legel issues involving compensation - BB didn't appear to act quickly enough imo - and the footage could be quite damning. Even if it didn't look serious at the time it was an accident and they should have intervened immediately.
I agree.  I noticed too that they haven't told the hm's she had to undergo surgery. I reckon it will go legal & if it does Keely could sue their asses off, irrespective of any   disclaimer she may have signed before the show. Personal injury as a result of their negligence would override this and I think they will cough up to avoid a protracted legal battle or negative newspaper coverage.
I was very disappointed with Keeley. She should have gritted her teeth and toughed it out either until she was evicted or until finale night - then sought medical attention.
Keeley has had surgery on her ankle - for all we know she has pins in it and the house is such a muck heap it wouldn't be hygenic. The way the HMs chuck stuff around the bedroom and act like big kids with no thought for others, she may have worsened the injury.
Reference Cold Sweat Today at 11:45:
Do we have an official term for Keeley's departure?
The official site is describing her as "Rucuperating", but I'm assuming that dates from when there was a possibility that she might return. Neither "Ejected" or "Walked" (the term used on Wiki) are really appropriate.

I think the closest precedent is Jonathan from BB8 (remember him?) who had to leave because of a death in the family. IIRC, he was simply described as "Left".

Re an interview: I think Keeley's going to be an interesting test case here: will BB do the decent thing and give her a proper interview with Davina? Shabby and Caoimhe both got interviews, so there really shouldn't be any question that Keeley gets on too. If anything, she has considereably more reason to get one. Keeley didn't choose to "walk" like the other two: the decision would have been taken in agreement with BB, and as she needed an operation, neither side would really have had any choice.
I'm assuming that the only reason she hasn't been interviewed yet is because she's too ill to do so...
Eugene's Lair
Neither "Ejected" or "Walked" (the term used on Wiki) are really appropriate.
If the 24 hr leave of absence for illness or injury rule still applies Ejected might be the official term. If the possibility of liability or compensation is a factor it might be a case of dotting the i's and crossing the t's. Also, should such a situation exist an interview would be impossible due to legal issues.
Cold Sweat
Reference MrsH Today at 14:41:
there is an extended second show on Friday a double eviction has been rumoured because of this but maybe the extra time is for a Keeley interview
I wouldn't put money on it. The extended show was planned way in advance, and long before Keeley got injured (its in the Radio Times, for example). 

For those who haven't seen the other threads: it's looking as if the extended show is to accomodate a double eviction and a Jedward performance in the house (No, I'm not kidding...)
The time-management of the eviciton shows this series has left a lot to be desired, with the evictee interviews often being rushed, Even with the extended slot, I think it will be extremely difficult to squeeze in a decent interview with Keeley.
Eugene's Lair
I agree.  I noticed too that they haven't told the hm's she had to undergo surgery. I reckon it will go legal & if it does Keely could sue their asses off, irrespective of any   disclaimer she may have signed before the show. Personal injury as a result of their negligence would override this and I think they will cough up to avoid a protracted legal battle or negative newspaper coverage.

I don't think so, it was a physical activity that, just like any other, had a small potential for injury.  She was a willing participant and the task was not unreasonably unsafe compared to typical tasks so no negligence is likely to be proven.  Whether the show's support Health and Safety staff could have been called on earlier may be a legal point, but all in all they acted with suitable promptness from what I saw.

This is the show that has got away with torture based tasks in the past.  Electric shocks and sleep deprivation.
Do we have an official term for Keeley's departure? Also, perhaps there are some legel issues involving compensation - BB didn't appear to act quickly enough imo - and the footage could be quite damning. Even if it didn't look serious at the time it was an accident and they should have intervened immediately.
I agree they didn't intervene quickly enough, from the footage you could see her ankle go in an awful direction, so I would imagine those monitoring the task saw it too. Anyway, yes if people that walk out get an interview then so should she.
I agree they didn't intervene quickly enough, from the footage you could see her ankle go in an awful direction, so I would imagine those monitoring the task saw it too. Anyway, yes if people that walk out get an interview then so should she.
BB know Keeley's a tough cookie - and in such an important scramble for what amounts to survival she would not have gone to ground and quit without good reason. Allowing the hm's to assess the seriousness of her injury was amateurish - they should have provided medical support immediately imo
Cold Sweat
Reference:Cold Sweat
I was very disappointed with Keeley. She should have gritted her teeth and toughed it out either until she was evicted or until finale night - then sought medical attention. No, unfortunately she doesn't deserve an interview with Davina.
When you have a minute away from stalking Shabby can I suggest that you google fractures and learn that not to have a broken limb attended to can result in lasting pain and deformity.
Not everyone is as obsessed with the show as you...
And you accused us Shabby  haters of not having empathy...
When you have a minute away from stalking Shabby can I suggest that you google fractures and learn that not to have a broken limb attended to can result in lasting pain and deformity. Not everyone is as obsessed with the show as you... And you accused us Shabby  haters of not having empathy..
But unlike you Shabby haters - in the post that you quoted; i was being flippant! 
Cold Sweat
When you have a minute away from stalking Shabby can I suggest that you google fractures and learn that not to have a broken limb attended to can result in lasting pain and deformity. Not everyone is as obsessed with the show as you... And you accused us Shabby  haters of not having empathy..

But unlike you Shabby haters - in the post that you quoted; i was being flippant!
Really? You do know what the word means don't you because it did not come across that way at all....
The best thing wouldve been to get a first aider in there straight away, they shouldve stopped the cameras and got her into the DR. Rachel running around like a headless chicken didnt help. By the way isnt she an air hostess or flight attendant? If so she shouldve given first aid, she wouldve been trained for it. Although going by her freaking out i would hate to be on a plane that got into difficulties with her on board

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