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Wooss. Game is supposed to be well hung <---- insert nob gag of choice here. It's not ready until the maggots are crawling out the nostrils.
I think that was just logistics. Catching the birds in Scotland and then having to take them on a 2 -3 weeks coach ride to London, no wonder they were maggoty, but that doesn't have to happen anymore.
cologne 1
Reference Cologne
Wooss. Game is supposed to be well hung <---- insert nob gag of choice here. It's not ready until the maggots are crawling out the nostrils.

 I think that was just logistics. Catching the birds in Scotland and then having to take them on a 2 -3 weeks coach ride to London, no wonder they were maggoty, but that doesn't have to happen anymore.
And I bet they didn't appreciate the journey!
Foragers, I believe, is the offisheaaaalll term de nos jours
Freegans is the term my mates use. They use it to mean that they are vegan unless it is free when they will eat non vegan (but always veggie) food
 You don't even have to get the food from the bins sometimes. My mates who squatted in Brixton just used to go to the Pizza places at closing time and they would be given any left over Pizza and ingredients that couldn't be used the next day

New Covent Garden too is well visited and Food not Bombs used to have a lot of deals with local shops etc to take goods they couldn't use/sell.

It's been a while since I was involved with the anarcho/protest/squatt scene so I don't know what it's like now

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