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Bagel thanks for sharing that beautiful rhyme
You must be going through hell at this time
But I know in my heart you will pull through
You're a strong wonderful woman and I'm sure your boys thought so too
So tonight when the stars are twinkling bright
I'll pray to your boys to kiss you goodnight
And keep you safe when you're feeling the pain
until you can cuddle them once again.


Angel Angel
Hugs for dear Bagel
and Happy Birthday for your darling Son (((Luke)))
That is unbearably sad that you have suffered
the loss of your precious boys
Hugs and kisses for you Bagel
and your 3 Angel Angel Angel angels
Luke Daniel and little Boxer Brucie

Your words through my tear filled eyes are
never to be forgotten
and I wish you continued strength to get through each and every day
Valentine Valentine Valentine Valentine
Thinking of you Bagel
Bagel my dear you have done it again,
Reading the pain which is within your heart,
And how you were all forced to part,

I'm sitting here in tears,
And I know I'm not the only one here,
Wanting to take the hurt from you,
And give you all a life a new,

The pain you have I will never comprehend,
Nor could what i hope that your heart truly mend,
Just try to remenber your friends are here,
And we truly care and love our Bagel dear. Hug Valentine
Dear Bagel Queen on your Son Luke's Birthday.
The memory of the loss will never go away.
To lose your children in this awful way.
For your strength to hold we can only pray.
They know that you are always near.
And thinking of them will bring a tear.
There's nothing that I can really say.
To make the heartache go away.
A big hug from everyone here.
Who will also have shed a tear.
Hug Hug Hug
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
Happy Birthday Luke

To my dearly departed son
Happy Birthday beautiful one
6 years old when you flew away
a long time has gone since that day

today you would be a grown up Gent
maybe have children of your own sent
and a Grandmother I may have been
but alas that day has never been seen

Your Brother Daniel also went with you
and your little boxer dog "Bruce" too
I still have your toys and books on mars
and read them while looking up at the stars

here both my sons..sit on mummys knee
and lets live in the past memory
just for a little while take this pain
and let me be your Mummy once again Crying

let me run my fingers through your hair
let me feel my boys skin so fair
let me tickle your chubby little toes
and wipe your little runny boys nose

If I could have you back for hour or more
my heart would sing and dance forever more
the hole in my soul would fill for a while
with a laughing gasping beautific smile

I wish somedays I had never been saved
from a fire that took you both enslaved
I wish I had been enslaved with you as well
why I never was taken only the gods can tell

since then, year after year, season after season
I live my life and sometmes for no reason
job and life are both materialistic
but I will always be very realastic
and if it got all taken to have you back
I would live in a shed or even a sack

this hole will never be filled in my soul
and my heart will never again be whole
for I am a Mother and on this I have not lied
I wish my sons were saved and was me that died Angel

oh bagel Hug Crying
I'm not even going to make it rhyme. Bagel, I'm so sorry. I am deeply moved - I don't think I have ever been so emotionally affected by a post as this one. How do I give you love and support and help with this, I don't know. I wish I could. I hope you have happiness and peace in your life. I want to write so much but can't. Much, much love and best wishes. X
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
Happy Birthday Luke

To my dearly departed son
Happy Birthday beautiful one
6 years old when you flew away
a long time has gone since that day

today you would be a grown up Gent
maybe have children of your own sent
and a Grandmother I may have been
but alas that day has never been seen

Your Brother Daniel also went with you
and your little boxer dog "Bruce" too
I still have your toys and books on mars
and read them while looking up at the stars

here both my sons..sit on mummys knee
and lets live in the past memory
just for a little while take this pain
and let me be your Mummy once again Crying

let me run my fingers through your hair
let me feel my boys skin so fair
let me tickle your chubby little toes
and wipe your little runny boys nose

If I could have you back for hour or more
my heart would sing and dance forever more
the hole in my soul would fill for a while
with a laughing gasping beautific smile

I wish somedays I had never been saved
from a fire that took you both enslaved
I wish I had been enslaved with you as well
why I never was taken only the gods can tell

since then, year after year, season after season
I live my life and sometmes for no reason
job and life are both materialistic
but I will always be very realastic
and if it got all taken to have you back
I would live in a shed or even a sack

this hole will never be filled in my soul
and my heart will never again be whole
for I am a Mother and on this I have not lied
I wish my sons were saved and was me that died Angel

Oh my God Crying xxxxx
For Bagel and Amythist and all the mums & dads.

A Child Of Mine (To All Parents)
Edgar Guest

I will lend you, for a little time,
A child of mine, He said.
For you to love the while he lives,
And mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven years,
Or twenty-two or three.
But will you, till I call him back,
Take care of him for Me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you,
And should his stay be brief.
You'll have his lovely memories,
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there,
I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over,
In search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labour vain.
Nor hate me when I come
To take him home again?
I fancied that I heard them say,
'Dear Lord, Thy will be done!'
For all the joys Thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness,
We'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known,
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him,
Much sooner than we've planned.
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
And try to understand.

From The Book LIVING THE YEARS 1949
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
For Bagel and Amythist and all the mums & dads.

A Child Of Mine (To All Parents)
Edgar Guest

I will lend you, for a little time,
A child of mine, He said.
For you to love the while he lives,
And mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven years,
Or twenty-two or three.
But will you, till I call him back,
Take care of him for Me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you,
And should his stay be brief.
You'll have his lovely memories,
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there,
I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over,
In search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labour vain.
Nor hate me when I come
To take him home again?
I fancied that I heard them say,
'Dear Lord, Thy will be done!'
For all the joys Thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness,
We'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known,
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him,
Much sooner than we've planned.
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
And try to understand.

From The Book LIVING THE YEARS 1949

This truely is a lovely poem...

Bagel.. Hug
Originally posted by Amythist:
Bagel,my heart is with you,I too lost my precious little son age 3.I understand and can only send good thoughts and love to you Hug

My Heart goes out to you as well, to lose a little one of any age is terrible for anyone.
Just wish there was words to express how much I wish there was some way to ease the pain of the loss, but I don't think anything will ever be able to hide the grief felt by your loss, only time will ease the pain slightly but it won't go away.
Hug Hug
Im just so sorry for your tragic loss - Your poem has touched deep within me and I don't think I have ever been so affected as I have just been reading it.

I know your pain but also very differently - I never got to know my 3 babies who left me I only got to briefly hold them. I know I wanted to die with them...

To bury a child or children is something no parent should have to do.

I cannot begin to imagine how you must feel after such a sad loss just know that I am truly sorry and my heart goes out to you right now.

Such a strong lady you are.

Rest in peace sweet boys Angel Angel
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
Happy Birthday Luke

To my dearly departed son
Happy Birthday beautiful one
6 years old when you flew away
a long time has gone since that day

today you would be a grown up Gent
maybe have children of your own sent
and a Grandmother I may have been
but alas that day has never been seen

Your Brother Daniel also went with you
and your little boxer dog "Bruce" too
I still have your toys and books on mars
and read them while looking up at the stars

here both my sons..sit on mummys knee
and lets live in the past memory
just for a little while take this pain
and let me be your Mummy once again Crying

let me run my fingers through your hair
let me feel my boys skin so fair
let me tickle your chubby little toes
and wipe your little runny boys nose

If I could have you back for hour or more
my heart would sing and dance forever more
the hole in my soul would fill for a while
with a laughing gasping beautific smile

I wish somedays I had never been saved
from a fire that took you both enslaved
I wish I had been enslaved with you as well
why I never was taken only the gods can tell

since then, year after year, season after season
I live my life and sometmes for no reason
job and life are both materialistic
but I will always be very realastic
and if it got all taken to have you back
I would live in a shed or even a sack

this hole will never be filled in my soul
and my heart will never again be whole
for I am a Mother and on this I have not lied
I wish my sons were saved and was me that died Angel

Oh my goodness hugs to you Bagel Queen Hug
That's the most beautiful poem I've ever seen
I cannot pretend to know what you're going through
But my heart really goes out to you
I'll join in you plea to send birthday wishes
And hope he recieves all his hugs and kisses
But I send one special hug to Bagel
And hope You'll be back when you're able HugValentine

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