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Nicola did the jungle and now  CBB and she was  hugely disliked in both.


 Can't see her ever shaking the bitch label off now.


But there are  some slebs that make it known they are up for anything( katie price/peter andre/ kerry katona, so the  production companies always have the fall back option,  and up they al;l pop  again

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I assume that their agents see it as opportunity. Better being talked about than not talked about. TV roles and appearances, advertising, books, and scratter mags. It all adds up.

You think so, Joe - even if a fairly vociferous percentage of it is negative?


I know there's enough immediate work to grab by the coat tails, but once you've done the Heat spread, the wittering on Loose Women and the (ghosted) book....does it all add up to getting back into a high(er) profile acting role?  Isn't that what they really want to do -act?

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Natalie hasn't had any acting roles since EE has she?


I can't see that CBB has helped  her cause any.

That was the angle I was coming from.


I wonder if Denise will indeed get any offers in something long term.

Given her erratic ways maybe she's not quite so in demand for a part in a series?


Perhaps Tim will put a word in for her for Benidorm?

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Natalie hasn't had any acting roles since EE has she?


I can't see that CBB has helped  her cause any.

That was the angle I was coming from.


I wonder if Denise will indeed get any offers in something long term.

Given her erratic ways maybe she's not quite so in demand for a part in a series?


Perhaps Tim will put a word in for her for Benidorm?

She's been in it already Cosi as "Mad Mary" 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Natalie hasn't had any acting roles since EE has she?


I can't see that CBB has helped  her cause any.

she's touting for a chat/counselling show now... she thinks she's Oprah.. as well as Meryll Streep


Comical isn't it? 

it is donks.. if she was chocolate she'd eat herself

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Natalie hasn't had any acting roles since EE has she?


I can't see that CBB has helped  her cause any.

she's touting for a chat/counselling show now... she thinks she's Oprah.. as well as Meryll Streep


Comical isn't it? 

it is donks.. if she was chocolate she'd eat herself

Wrapper and all.

Originally Posted by Sezit:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Natalie hasn't had any acting roles since EE has she?


I can't see that CBB has helped  her cause any.

That was the angle I was coming from.


I wonder if Denise will indeed get any offers in something long term.

Given her erratic ways maybe she's not quite so in demand for a part in a series?


Perhaps Tim will put a word in for her for Benidorm?

She's been in it already Cosi as "Mad Mary" 

  I didn't watch it so obviously I'm not bumping up the ratings for her there  '



The difference between Nat/Denise and Nicola is that I don't expect Nicola to do anything but reality stuff.  She's not an actress.  But Denise and Natalie both describe themselves as actors so.


Are they short of acting offers?

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
To answer that we would need to know how much they are being paid for a few weeks work. It may have been a financial decision.

True.  But wouldn't you play BB more like Natalie than Denise did if you were hoping for a career after the show? Much as I don't like Nat, she played it down the middle; nothing excessive or even faintly outrageous to scare the Daily Mail readers.


Being a skint, unemployed actor needs serious Plan B thinking

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by stonks:

We will see most on the Jungle in the future but I do predict that in the future there will be a celebrity rehab programme commisioned....

... and they'll all be counselled by St Natalie of the Two Faces

Aided by St Nicola of the Gorgon Hair.

I think you and Kaff are right..


Syd..I'm the same, I really like natural hair, some of these extensions are terrible....

Originally Posted by Syd:

What is with "hair" these days, we seem to have stepped back in time to when women had crispy untouchable "Updoos" .....When I was "available" men liked to run their hands through silky hair...not bliddy clip on crispy hair extensions.......

Gawd knows Syd...Some extensions look good,I think the person wearing them would need to have a relatively healthy head of hair to *Enhance* what they already had.Nicolas *Hair* is a dull matted tangled mess,any bloke attempting to run his hands through that  would need the fire brigade to free him.


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