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Caroline (BB13) has an admirer!



He also sent a pic on Twitter with this lovely poem!


Yelloe hair like lion
Sweet face like panda
Caroline youre beautiful like my mother
And fierce like Mumbai lion.

You boughted the candies
And that was very sweet
Like youre beautiful eye
But Luke evil get angry and use nominate attack

I vote many time 
Spend most my students loan
But the jealouses evictee you
And then my heart crumble like bake product

I cry so much that day 
But my honey kitten stay strong
I wait for you atop mountain
with ring in hand---- Waiting for youre anser.

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I can't help wondering if he really does have English as a second language hence the badly written though funny poem (I think she should be afraid of this line - Caroline youre beautiful like my mother )  or are they just making it look like they are because - I wait for you atop mountain is hardly in every day English usage unless it's a word they heard/learnt and decided to incorporate it into their master piece 


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