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Hi Chicken - I sent you a PM to your Prawn Cracker ID the other day, but you can't have seen it, so this is a copy of what I sent:

Hi Chicken

Read this if you want to continue your old Chicken ID

If you go via Your Control Panel, then click Edit Profile to get to your profile, just to the right of your email address is a little edit icon. So if you log on as Chicken Chow Mein, go to your profile, you can edit your email address to your new address, then if you want, you can carry on under your old Chicken ID.

If you do ask Lori to deregister your old Chicken ID, at present there is a known bug which means that if you do deregister, every thread on the forum which you were the originator of the first post on that thread will be deleted. This bug is being worked on by Seattle.

(and just to say that I'm just another member though some confuse me with Lori and think that I'm one of the staff,  particularly with this sort of post)


El Loro
El Loro

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